TikTok Soon Launches E-commerce Platform In The United States To Sell Chinese-made Goods

JAKARTA - TikTok plans to launch an e-commerce platform in early August to sell Chinese-made goods in the United States. This was reported by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, July 25, citing sources familiar with the plan.

This short video app seeks to emulate the success of Chinese shopping platforms such as Shein and Temu in the United States, and will be responsible for storing and shipping goods on behalf of manufacturers and traders in China, the report said.

TikTok has not immediately responded to a Reuters request for comment on the report.

The plan reportedly comes at a time when TikTok faces increased scrutiny from US officials over concerns about data security.

The company struggled to prevent a ban in the country after lawmakers submitted a bill that would power President Joe Biden's administration to ban applications deemed a security risk.