Tips For Managing Cybersecurity Risks In The Supply Chain Sector

JAKARTA - Not knowing the victims, cyber hackers launched their actions on everyone around the world from various sectors. The Palo Alto Network has even found a cyber threat landscape in the manufacturing industry and supply chain attacks are increasing.

To strengthen the cybersecurity of the supply chain, organizations are encouraged to take several important steps. Alex Nehmy, Field Chief Security Officer - Critical Industries, Japan and Asia Pacific also effectively share strategies to mitigate this risk, which include:

By adopting the best proactive efforts and measures, Palo Alto believes that organizations can strengthen the cybersecurity of their supply chains and reduce the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.

"The Zero Trust-based architectural system can help prevent supply chain attacks by ensuring only authorized parties can access critical assets," added Alex.

Selain itu, Alex juga menjelaskan bahwa pendekatan ini meminimalisir risiko akses yang tidak bertoritas, pemboboran data, dan serangan malware.

"Moreover, it is very important to continue to monitor and evaluate the security structure of the supply chain in order to adapt to the threats that arise and maintain a strong cyber defense strategy," he concluded.