Great! Kamen Rider Comforting The Children Of South Kalimantan Flood Refugees

JAKARTA - Many children have been forced to flee due to flooding that inundated several areas in South Kalimantan. For the sake of entertaining the children affected by the flood, Super Hero Black Kamen Rider or Black Steel Knight came to the evacuation site.

The figure behind Kamen Rider is Yodha Richie, a cosplayer from Banjarbaru who has succeeded in entertaining flood victims in Melayu Village, East Martapura District, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. Together with the community of 1,000 South Kalimantan teachers, they distributed aid and joy to children who were evacuated.

"Yes, yesterday activity provided trauma healing for children and we distributed aid containing snacks, notebooks, diapers for children and basic necessities," Yodha told VOI, Friday, January 29.

Yodha, who came wearing the Kamen Rider costume, admitted that he was quite happy because he could participate in entertaining the flood victims. He received various responses when the figure of Kamen Rider came to the evacuation site.

"The responses vary, some say it's a robot, some say it's an ultraman. But there are also adults and children who know it's Kamen Rider," he said.

For Yodha, being a cosplayer is not just impersonating a fictional character from a film character. But it is also representing the children who want to meet face-to-face with TV heroes.

"I would rather introduce tokusatsu characters to children so that they meet their idol figures who are usually watched only on TV. So the way I come to the refugee camps is to entertain children," he concluded.

Previously reported, large floods occurred in 11 districts and cities in South Kalimantan and inundated approximately 87,765 houses. The water immersion height reached 2 meters and caused 74,863 people to flee, there were also 21 people who died.

Many infrastructure facilities were also damaged due to flooding, such as damaged bridges, broken embankments, damaged Trans Kalimantan roads, and many schools and houses of worship were damaged.