Increasing Ganjar's Electability, PPP Asks Supporting Party Machines To Move Maximum

JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) believes that the electability of the presidential candidate (candidate) Ganjar Pranowo will be at the top if the party starts to move optimally. "God willing, Mas Ganjar will lead (leading) when we move simultaneously," said PPP Spokesperson Usman M Tokan quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 25. Usman said Ganjar's electability was actually not far apart from the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto, as seen in the results of the latest survey of the Indonesian Political Indicators. In the simulation of three names of the Indicator survey, released on Sunday, the electability of the presidential candidate will be led by Prabowo Subianto at 36.8 percent; then followed by Ganjar Pranowo as much as 35.7 percent and Anies Baswedan at 21.5 percent. According to Usman, there are several things that need to be seen to analyze survey results, including survey respondents to the focus direction of the party which is still divided to take care of legislative (pileg) elections. "First, let's see who the respondents from the target population are. Second, Mas Ganjar today is still the governor of Central Java. Third, the party engine has not yet worked optimally because of the focus of the pileg management," he added. He added that his party is not worried about the survey findings that call Ganjar does not lead the electability among the names of other presidential candidates. "PDI Perjuangan and PPP are the oldest and already mature in dealing with the presidential election. Therefore, we hope that all of God's steps are easy," said Usman. However, PPP as the supporting coalition party always makes the findings of the survey as an evaluation material. This is so that supporting parties understand the steps that need to be taken in the future. Usman said that support parties are running various programs so that Ganjar's electability rate continues to increase, such as the training of campaign interpreters for millennials both at the central and regional levels. "All our efforts are made and we continue to evaluate and we hope that all of evaluation may all of Allah's steps are easy," said Usman. To note, the registration of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (vics)

Based on Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning the Election of pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates, a political party or coalition of political parties participating in the election that meet the requirements for obtaining seats of at least 20 percent of the total seats in the DPR, or obtaining 25 percent of the nationally valid votes in the previous election of members of the DPR. Currently, there are 575 seats in parliament, so that pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election must have at least 115 seats in the DPR RI. It is also possible that candidate pairs are promoted by political parties or coalition parties participating in the 2019 Election with a total valid vote acquisition of at least 34,992,703 votes.