Sharen Fernandez Breaks Up With His Girlfriend Because There Is No Parents' Blessing

JAKARTA - Young singer Sharen Fernandez had to end his relationship with the owner of the music label Dean Ray Jonathan. The relationship between the two is thought to have ended because there was no support from relatives and family.

Sharen Fernandez, who graduated from the Indonesian Idol event, began dating the man who is familiarly called Jojo since 2022. The two of them began to get to know each other while working on the same music project.

Regarding the reason for the end of their relationship, Sharen admitted that many differences have recently become more complex and become a problem in itself. He felt that many differences were the main factor in ending the relationship.

"(Decided) because there are quite a lot of differences that we have, ranging from religious differences, ethnic differences, to quite far age differences," said Sharen Fernandez when contacted by the media crew on Monday, July 24.

"Initially we felt very suitable and could compensate for that difference. But the longer it starts, there are many obstacles and obstacles, many small debates that keep repeating themselves," he continued.

When asked about the response of the closest person and family to what happened to Sharen, he could not answer in full. He admitted that many of his friends gave support, but he did not answer how the family responded.

Most friends are surprised, especially our closest circle too. What is certain is that they are all concerned and support our decision," said Sharen Fernandez.

"From my family, I can't explain much more," he added while thinking.

Furthermore, Sharen admitted that he was serious in living his relationship before it ran aground. The two of them even know each other between families.

"When asked about the seriousness of the relationship, we are both serious about this. We have introduced each other to our friendship circles, have introduced them to our families, and are committed to each other," said Sharen Fernandez.