Deputy Minister Rosan Priority: Restructuring BUMN Karya To Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) II Rosan Roeslani has been actively working in carrying out his role in replacing Kartika Wirjoadmodjo. He has also mapped out priority programs at the beginning of his tenure, namely the restructuring of BUMN works to the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB).
According to Rosan, he only runs or implements what was planned in previous programs. However, he mapped out which programs to run first.
"We will see which priority scale the program is, which urgency must be implemented immediately. Actually, all of these programs already exist, so how do I oversee the implementation," he said when met at the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta, Thursday, July 20.
Furthermore, Rosan said that one of the programs included in the priority is the restructuring of BUMN works.
"Whether it's restructuring in the works, then other developments, which we're looking at," he said.
Rosan admitted that he would discuss and coordinate further with Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, who currently serves as Deputy Minister of BUMN I.
"Earlier, I had a mintta meeting for each part to submit a priority program, where we must prioritize the implementation immediately. That's what I asked for, and I hope that I can get the report, and then we will do more mapping," he explained.
In addition to the restructuring of BUMN works, Rosan also confirmed that the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) was included in priority programs during its tenure.
"Yes, of course, fast trains are a priority scale. But I'm waiting, because I just asked for my asdep, what programs should they be given to us, so that we can really protect the implementation," he explained.