Not Even One Month The Death Of Fajri Obesity Is 300 Kg, Cipto Raharjo Weighing 200 Kg Also Dies At RSCM
JAKARTA Muhammad Fajri and Cipto Raharjo, two referral obesity patients from the Tangerang Hospital died in less than a month. The Cipto Mangun Kusumo Hospital (RSCM) or the National Central General Hospital (RSUPN) Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo has not been able to handle both of them.
On June 8, 2023, Muhammad Fajri (27) was taken to the RSCM by members of the Tangerang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). Fajri was taken from his house to the Tangerang City Hospital. However, because the hospital was constrained by limited equipment, Fajri was referred to the RSCM using a modified insbak car.
"It took 2 hours, because we were looking for tools to dismantle the door and forklift. We opened the door so that it could pass and lift it using a forklift to get into the car and be evacuated directly to the Tangerang City Hospital," he explained.
The RSCM multi-disciplinary team of doctors has treated Fajri for approximately 14 days. After optimal intensive care, Fajri's life could not be saved.
Fajri passed away on Thursday, June 22 in the morning. Precisely at around 01.25 WIB.
"Died due to multiple infections," quoted in an official statement from the RSCM received by VOI, Thursday, June 22.
Cipto, Bobot 200 Kg Also Died At RSCM
Not even one month after the death of Fajri, Cipto experienced the same thing. The resident of Pinang, Tangerang City, is undergoing treatment at the RSCM for the referral of the Tangerang City Hospital which has limited tools in dealing with Cipto.
"We refer to the RSCM, because there has more complete equipment. The treatment is even more effective," said Head of Medical and Nursing Services at the Tangerang City Hospital, Doctor Amir Ali to reporters, Tuesday, July 11.
"We already know, patients with severe obesity must handle more effectively where they need specialists related to obesity. Now the RSCM is complete," he continued.
The Cipto evacuation process was initially referred to as well as assisted by Tangerang City BPBD personnel. The patient with obesity Cipto was referred to the RSCM on Tuesday, July 11.
However, when he arrived at the RSCM referral hospital, news regarding the treatment of Cipto patients had not been officially disclosed by the RSCM. Even until this news was revealed, VOI had not received confirmation when contact via cellular.
Many Tangerang Residents Experience Obesity
Meanwhile, the results of early detection data collection in all Puskesmas in the Tangerang City area, it turned out that 20 thousand Tangerang City residents were confirmed to be obese. This amount is data in May 2023 from the Tangerang City Health Office's P2P (prevention and Disease Control) Division.
"For screening the target is over 15 years, most of them are obese over 20 years to 50 years. Most stand out at that age," said the Head of P2P (prevention and control) at the Tangerang City Health Office, Harmayani when confirmed, Sunday, July 9.
He said the number was then reported to the Ministry of Health through the Indonesian Healthy Application (ASIK). Harmayani continued, based on the prevalence of obesity from Riskesdas (Basic Health Research and Development) The Indonesian Ministry of Health's Research and Development Agency in 2018 was indeed in Indonesia in 31 percent of people who were obese.
Meanwhile, in Tangerang City, from the total population, there are 28.6 percent. However, the number of 20 thousand people who are obese is not necessarily all problematic with health. This is because the data is only the Growth Index (IMT).
"The data we include in general, because in obesity there are other categories, there are mild, moderate and severe obesity," he said.
According to him, obesity is a condition when the fat that accumulates in the body is very much due to the more calories that are burned. So that the weight above normal.
"The first is normal, the second is just fat or heavier, the third is obesity, namely body condition that is more than fat," he said.
"In general, in Indonesia, the obesity rate is quite high, not only in Tangerang City," he said.