West Sumatra DPRD Autocritical: Not Optimal In The Implementation Of The Depoksi DPRD Supervisory Regional Assets
SUMBAR - Chairman of the West Sumatra Provincial DPRD (West Sumatra) Supardi admitted that the supervision of various assets in his area had not run optimally.
"The weakness and problems that have occurred in the supervision of regional assets so far are also due to the lack of optimal implementation of DPRD duties and functions," said Supardi in Padang, West Sumatra, Saturday, July 15, which was confiscated by Antara.
According to him, increasing the supervisory function can reduce errors and violations of the use of existing assets in the regions. Therefore, the supervisory function must continue to be improved.
"One aspect that must be considered together is the supervisory function," he said.
To increase the role and function of supervision, the West Sumatra DPRD provides technical guidance to increase the capacity of the council related to optimizing the supervisory function of the DPRD in revitalizing, utilizing and increasing regional assets.
He added that the use of regional assets must be properly monitored by the DPRD to anticipate arbitrariness in making updates to the implementation of asset management in the regions.
"Supervision of these assets is important. Apart from implementing the law, it is also to protect the people and have a positive impact on welfare," he said.
He said assets are assets owned by local governments and are obtained on the burden of the APBD. Apart from sourced from the APBD, assets can also be obtained through donations, waqf, grants, self-help and third party obligations.
In its utilization, assets are divided into several types, including leasing, borrowing and utilization cooperation. Not only that, the use of assets can also be carried out to build for use and cooperation in providing infrastructure.