A Total Of 97,119 Toddlers In West Sulawesi Have A Risk Of Stunting

MAMUJU - The Health Office (Dinkes) stated that 97,119 toddlers or children under five years old in West Sulawesi (Sulbar) are at risk of stunting based on data from the Provincial Government of West Sulawesi. Daily Executive Head of the West Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, Dr. Darmawiyah, explained that based on the government's Electronic Recording and Reporting of Community-Based Nutrition (E-PPGBM), as many as 114,229 toddlers in West Sulawesi had been measured throughout 2022. He said, in addition to body measurements, the toddlers were also weighed to monitor their nutritional conditions. According to him, of the 114,229 toddlers who were weighed and measured and monitored for their nutrition, 97,119 toddlers were found to be stunting risk. He said the West Sulawesi Provincial Government also carried out data collection of newborns who had just been born from January to May in 2023, and another 15.50 percent baby was found in stunting conditions. "Of the 9,159 babies born from January to May 2023, there were 1,420 newborns who were born stunted," said Darmawiyah, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 13. He said the West Sulawesi Provincial Government continues to evaluate every stunting handling program in the health sector in West Sulawesi, so that the numbers could be suppressed.
He said stunting is a condition of child growth that is hampered due to chronic malnutrition, which can affect children's physical and cognitive development. "Stunting can be defined as a condition when the child's height is below the standard that should be according to his age, so it is necessary to handle it by the government in West Sulawesi," said Darmawiyah.