ICE Apeksi 2023 Opened, Involve 123 Stands From All Over Indonesia
The ICE Apeksi 2023 will be held in Makassar City. This event involved 128 exhibition stands from cities throughout Indonesia.
The chairman of the Apex who is also the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, said that all cities may want to be hosts, but not all are able to carry it out. "Because not all cities have public, field, or venues and Makassar have all of them. Makassar is lucky to have Mr. Danny, because it always has options for big events," said Bima Arya, at the opening ceremony, Wednesday, July 12.
"This is development planning, these are programs, and these are well designed by the Mayor, both Mr. Danny and the previous mayor. So this is a lesson for all of us, that being the host is not just a will, but also a ability and it needs a long plan," continued Bima Arya.
"Leaders not only talk about sophisticated problems and macro order, but also micro order. And what we are experiencing in Makassar is this picture, a large structure, a very friendly public space and supported by the ability to organize events is very technical," said Bima Arya.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Makasaar Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto said that this event was not only an exhibition, there were also cultural arts events, marine attractions and gala dinners. "Hopefully the weather supports the implementation of this event. Hopefully this ICE Apeksi 2023 will not only talk about exhibition issues, but also a place to share and care. So we both care about Indonesia and how to share our innovations," said the Mayor of Makassar.
Danny Pomanto also hopes that ICE will be the best activity. "I see a lot of stands from various products, one of which is Smart City products in Makassar City about how to improve PAD with a smart city system," said Donny Pomanto.
Meanwhile, Windu Wijaya, Director of Kinarya Cipta Kreasi, conveyed to the Chair of Apex and All Mayors in Indonesia that the implementation of the Indonesia City Expo (ICE) will be held for 4 days and involve 128 exhibition stands that have the opportunity to take part in this year's exhibition.
"The city of Makassar is not an ordinary city, but Makassar is an extraordinary city. Thank you to all the mayors who have supported us, with the venues that have been prepared on the beach of course this is something extraordinary too," said Windu.
"All support from all levels of Apex, all mayors, especially to the host ICE Apeksi 2023, and also to the Head of the Makassar City Culture Office who has prepared this Cultural Art Stage," he said.
Executive Director of Apex Alwis Rustam thanked the Makassar City Government for collaborating with Kinarya Cipta Kreasi in organizing ICE Apeksi 2023. "Hopefully this time ICE can inspire and I'm sure it will be calculated by Mr. Windu later. Not only transactions from Dekranasda, from MSME products from each city, but also from all contributions from workers, creative teams, culturalists, artists, and others," he said.