Warga Jakarta Debt Pinjol Hingga Rp10,35 Triliun, Pemprov DKI Mengingatkan Risikonya

JAKARTA - Assistant for the Economy and finance of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat Sri Haryati reminded the public of the risks faced by the community if they are involved in online loans (pinjol).

This is in response to the loan value of Jakarta residents which reached IDR 10.35 trillion as of April 2023.

Sri admitted that her party together with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) formed a team to accelerate access to regional finance, one of which was to increase socialization and literacy to the public.

This team, Sri said, would convey that the public should not be easily tempted to apply for loans to application-based financial services that are now mushrooming just because of the ease of disbursement of loans.

"Talking about socialization, regarding how financial literacy in society can really be increased. This means that people should also know the risks, even though the loans are easy, in just seconds, but actually there is a risk they must also know," Sri told reporters, Wednesday, July 12.

Then, Sri said that his party would also offer the public to increase their income by plunging into MSME players, rather than having to be in the middle of a high interest loan.

"If the income is sufficient, of course, they don't need to make loans. So, we focus on how the development of MSMEs, entrepreneurship, and others. I think it is the focus of strengthening the economy in Jakarta," he explained.

Previously, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) revealed something surprising regarding online loan debt aka pinjol in the capital city, recently.

Based on data obtained until April 2023, as many as 2.38 million user accounts have a debt figure of IDR 10.35 trillion. On the official OIC website, the debt covers 2.38 million accounts.

Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Suhudd Alyuddin, is also concerned about the high debt value of Jakarta residents. This is because this value is greater than the DI Yogyakarta Provincial Budget.

"This is Rp10.35 trillion in debts from Jakarta residents originating from 2.38 million accounts. Regardless of the debt for what, whatever lifestyle or what, but millions. If we average for example 1 person has 2 accounts, it's already 1 million Jakarta residents who are caught in moneylenders. Well, that's crazy if I get a story from the community," said Suhud at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building.

Suhud assessed that the DKI Provincial Government cannot underestimate this condition. Because, while absorbing the aspirations of residents during recesses, Suhud often hears the complaints of those who are entangled in loans with high interest rates and are unable to pay them off.

"In my opinion, this cannot be taken lightly. 2 million accounts, for example from millions of people. One million people are entangled by moneylenders. The provincial government must be present to overcome and find a way out of this problem," said Suhud.