Observer: Prabowo Is More Suitable To Pair With Cak Imin

JAKARTA - Executive Director of Indonesian Political Parameters Adi Prayitno said that the General Chairperson of the National Awakening Party Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) has the opportunity to become a potential vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 Presidential Election compared to other names.

"When it comes to opportunities, Cak Imin is certainly far more likely. That is in accordance with Gerindra's statement that the one who holds the British key regarding Prabowo's vice presidential candidate is Muhaimin, not something else," Adi said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday 9 July.

Adi said that Cak Imin was Prabowo's priority because of the integrity pact between PKB and Gerindra, as well as the PKB background which was considered to be able to consolidate political support for Prabowo.

"Even until now, Prabowo's priority is Muhaimin, it is based on the argument that PKB has made an integrity pact or a certificate of cooperation with Gerindra. Then from a party perspective, PKB is able to consolidate the political support of Nahdliyin and based in East Java (East Java), which has been Prabowo's shortcomings," he explained.

Furthermore, Adi said the narrative put forward by the Gerindra Party elite who referred to Cak Imin as the strongest vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo was a key form of Gerindra so that PKB would not shift to other axes.

"I think it is a form of political key to PKB so that first, PKB does not maneuver. Second, of course, so that PKB does not move to other axes. That is the goal why a number of Gerindra elites have said that until now the most priority to accompany Prabowo is Cak Imin," he explained.

On the other hand, said Adi, PKB wants Cak Imin to move forward in the upcoming presidential election contestation.

"This PKB is about Cak Imin at a fixed price, that's what has been read so far, that whoever accepts the PKB proposal, Cak Imin as a vice presidential candidate is where the PKB political port is," he said.

Adi said that if Cak Imin's proposal as a vice presidential candidate was not accepted by Gerindra, then PKB would be very likely to find another axis.

He took an example when Prabowo was widely reported in a duet with Ganjar Pranowo some time ago.

According to him, PKB at that time indicated that the gesture would shift to another axis if the Prabowo and Ganjar duo actually happened.

"PKB confirms that if Cak Imin is not Prabowo's vice presidential candidate, they will look for another place. This is something Gerindra doesn't seem to want, then there is a political lockdown so that PKB doesn't go anywhere," he said.

Furthermore, Adi said that PKB is very important and needed by Gerindra to meet the presidential nomination threshold (presidential threshold) of 20 percent.

"Without PKB, Gerindra can't go forward alone, they have to look for political parties whose votes are equivalent to PKB, it's difficult. With PKB, for example Gerindra can't move forward, with NasDem it can't be done either because the seats aren't enough," he said.

"Yes, if PKB leaves, the only option is that Prabowo can run, he must form a coalition with Golkar because his seat can fulfill 20 percent. That's why the PKB is properly locked, it is important for Gerindra to fulfill the presidential threshold," he continued.

In addition, Adi added, PKB represents Nahdlatul Ulama and has a supporting base in East Java.

"This is what then made Gerinda really fall in love and thought that PKB was important," he added.