Encourage Web3 Ecosystems, Nusa Finance Launches NFT Marketplace Feature

JAKARTA - In line with the growing potential for non-manuble token (NFT) assets in Indonesia, Nusa Finance, a Web3 network-based technology platform, launching the NFT Marketplace feature, an open market for NFT asset activity.

Through this feature, users can create, store, and sell NFT assets. This service can also be used for NFT creators who want to introduce their works easily, in a platform that has guaranteed security.

The development of blockchain technology also gave birth to several innovations such as NFT assets. For creators, NFT can be used as an asset with a clear and exclusive proof of ownership right. This opportunity is what we are trying to capture through the NFT Marketplace feature on the Nusa Finance platform," said Nusa Finance CEO Wildan Ramadhan at his launch event on Thursday, July 6 in Jakarta.

Furthermore, this launch is also in line with the potential for domestically developing NFT, where Indonesia itself is listed as the country with the most NFT users in the world. According to a report from the 2022 Digital Economy Compass Statista, Indonesia is in eighth place with a total number of 1.25 million users.

Through this feature, Nusa Finance is also trying to become a unique blockchain marketplace. Where they want users not only to use NFT for trading, but also to be used for certain things.

"The development of Web3 in Indonesia is still relatively new and is still in the early stages of adaptation. As one of the players in the sector who is rarely looked at, Nusa Finance was created with the aim of presenting a simple, informative Web3 platform, accessible to anyone, and creating a healthy incentive ecosystem for its supporters," concluded Wildan.

Another advantage of this blockchain technology is security and transparency. Where, each digital work that is used as NFT is given a unique identification code, so it cannot be replicated or duplicated.

The NFT Marketplace feature itself can be accessed directly through the official Nusa Finance website. As a platform that was launched in October 2022, Nusa Finance has succeeded in achieving several achievements, such as recording 20 tokens on the NUSA platform, to being able to achieve crypto asset transactions worth almost Rp600 million a day.