Luput Dari Pengawasan Dishub, Bahut Jalan Kelap Dijadikan Parki Liar Motor Di Jakpus

JAKARTA - Illegal parking lots of two-wheeled vehicles in the Jalan Salemba Raya 1, Senen District, Central Jakarta are starting to mushroom.

This condition often interferes with the traffic access of public vehicles and passing ambulances. The existence of the illegal parking escapes the monitoring of officers from the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency.

"This location has previously been brought under control by officers but again there is illegal parking and we are ordering it again," said Head of Central Jakarta Sub-dept., Haryo Bagus, Wednesday, July 5.

As a result, dozens of two-wheeled vehicles and a parking attendant were secured by officers. They are given a ticket.

"The motorbike that parked along this road and one jukir we took to the office," he said. Control this time was carried out by joint officers from the Central Jakarta Sub-dept., Satpol PP, Senen, Polri and TNI sub-districts.

As a result of two-wheeled vehicles parked on the shoulder of the road, they often interfere with other vehicle traffic flows.