One Day His Case Taken By Bareskrim, Ambroncius Nababan Becomes A Suspect In Hate Speech To Natalius Pigai

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri officially named Hanura Party cadre Ambroncius Nababan as a suspect. Because based on the results of the case title, Ambroncius was proven to have committed hate speech related to the elements of ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group (SARA) aimed at Papuan activist Natalius Pigai.

"After the title of the case is carried out, the conclusion of the case title is to raise the status on behalf of AN to become a suspect," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, to reporters, Tuesday, January 26.

In the title of the case, said Argo, investigators at the Cyber Directorate of Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim), together with the Division of Profession and Security (Propam), General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum), and Legal Affairs (Bidkum) of the National Police (Polri) discussed all the results of the investigation. In the process of investigation, several people have been questioned as witnesses.

In addition, several experts were also asked for information about this case, including linguists and criminals.

"There are 5 witnesses who have been examined, including expert witnesses, namely criminal experts and linguists who we have examined," he said.

After being named a suspect, Ambroncius Nababan was immediately secured. But Argo did not explain the pick-up process.

"Earlier, at around 18.30 WIB (Western Indonesia Time), the person concerned was taken to Criminal Investigation Agency of National Police (Bareskrim Polri). And now at 19.40 WIB, he arrived at Bareskrim Polri," he said.

However, Argo said that after the pick-up was carried out, Hanura politicians were currently undergoing an intensive examination. He was heard as a suspect.

"Investigators will conduct an examination of the suspect AN as a suspect," he said

In the case of a cadre of the Hanura Party, Ambroncius Nababan, he faces a prison sentence of 5 years. This is because the investigator suspects it with multiple articles.

Ambroncius Nababan is charged with Article 45A paragraph (2) Jo Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 Year 2008 regarding Electronic Information and Transactions, and/or Article 16 Jo Article 4 letter b paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 2008 regarding the elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination and/or Article 156 of the Criminal Code.

However, by looking back, the determination of the suspect against Ambroncius was so fast. It only took one day after the police announced that the case was transferred to Bareskrim Polri from the West Papua Police.

Originally, Ambroncius was reported by the West Papua National Youth Committee (KNPI) to the West Papua Regional Police with the report number LP/17/I/2021/Papua Barat.

The reason behind the devolution of handling of this case is because the alleged perpetrator carried out the action in Jakarta. Thus, it was decided to withdraw this case to the Criminal Investigation Agency of the National Police.

"Why was it delegated? It is suspected from the cyber analysis that it was done in Jakarta. That's why the Police Report was delegated to Bareskrim Polri," said Argo.

In the process of determining suspects, Bareskrim worked very quickly. Based on the summons with number: S.Pgl/38/2021/Dittipidsiber, Ambroncius was asked for information, on January 25.

The Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas), Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said that in the process of examination, investigators were interrogating the Hanura Party politician with 25 questions regarding his actions.

"Yesterday, 25 questions were asked," said Rusdi.

However, in this examination Ambroncius was examined in the capacity as a witness. Even though in this case he is a reported person.

"The person concerned has been examined as a witness," said Rusdi.

After that examination, the investigator conducts a case title. Until it was decided that Ambroncius' act was deemed to have fulfilled the element of crime and was declared a suspect.