PSSI's Dream Of Bringing Indonesian Referee To The World Cup And Hope To Bring Collina

JAKARTA - The All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) continues to improve in order to create better Indonesian football. One element that is currently also being improved is the quality of the referee.

PSSI chairman Erick Thohir said that his party would slowly provide guidance for Indonesian referees to have Asian standards. The hope is that in the future Indonesian referees can serve in international events such as the World Cup.

"When it comes to the quality of referees, it must be Asian standards first. Later (long-term coaching) can pass referees to the World Cup. Or in other international football championships. But again, what is called building a national regulation or national team, it takes a long time," said Erick Thohir.

PSSI announced that as many as 18 referees will serve in Liga 1, 24 referees will serve in Liga 2 and 40 referees will be assigned to Liga 3.

The referee selection process was carried out in collaboration between PSSI and the Japan Football Association (JFA) which sent Yoshimi Ogawa (member of Japan Football Association Referee Committee) and Toshelih Nagi (JFA Referee Instructor and JFA Top Amateur Referees Manager) who acted as instructor and supervisor.

Reporting from Antara, the selection was carried out from June 15 to 16, followed by 161 referees and 2 FIFA licensed assistant referees, then 1 licensed referee AFC Elite Referee. Of the 55 League 1 2022/2023 referees who participated in the test, 27 referees passed the test, plus 1 AFC Elite Referee referee. Where the top 18 rankings meet the League 1 quota, the rest will serve in the League 2 quota seat in 15-24.

Meanwhile, for the selection of Liga 2 referees as many as 107 referees who took the test, there were 54 referees who passed the test. Where rank 1-14 occupies the seat quota for Liga 2 2023/2024. Then the rest will be assigned to serve in Liga 3.

Erick Thohir also revealed that in the future the referees will undergo training, including one of the training on the use of VAR which will be implemented in the middle of the League 1 season.

"I encourage FIFA to send referee Collina (FIFA chief referee). Also instructors from FIFA to come to Indonesia to meet the referees, to encourage them too. Not only players in the field, the referee also needs encouragement, the letter has now been sent to FIFA," said the former Inter Milan President.