Police Secure Illegal Kayu Transport Truck In Jambi

JAMBI - Personnel from Sub-Directorate IV/Tipidter Ditreskrimsus Jambi Police secured a truck carrying 6 cubic meters of wood without official documents passing through Sungai Gelam Village, Sungai Gelam District, Muaro Jambi Regency.

The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Kombes Mulia Prianto, said that this incident began with information from the public regarding the alleged transportation of wood without official documents using trucks from Bayung Lencir District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra to Jambi.

"The police secured a truck without a police number containing a mixed jungle type saw wood of approximately six cubic meters," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 22.

From this arrest, the Jambi Police arrested two perpetrators who were driving the truck, namely SU and IR as the kernet who were beside the driver.

This arrest, said Mulia, occurred on Friday (16/6). The two perpetrators and evidence are currently being secured at the Jambi Regional Police for further questioning.

The Jambi Regional Police ensures that they continue to carry out patrols to take action against every illegal logging activity in the area.

This firm action by the Jambi Police Ditreskrimsus shows a commitment in eradicating unauthorized activities.