5 Tips For Caring For Mawar Plants To Bloom In The Dry Season

YOGYAKARTA Treatment and how to care for plants are different every season. In the dry season, rose flowers consume a lot of energy to keep young leaves and flowering blooms. This plant, if not treated or neglected, tends not to flower. So, caring for roses so that flowering needs to be in the right way as explained below.

In the bookkeeping term, it is called dead heading, which is pruning which is done during the summer. This is important for all types of roses, shrubs, or plants that are spreading. How, cut flowers that fade up to two or three leaves behind the flower.

It's important to note, don't leave the buds that grow strange. Don't miss the end of the branched stems either. If there are still buds that fail to bloom or branches with faded flowers, the plants will delay the production of new flower shoots.

Pupuk tanaman bisa diterapkan di sekitar tanaman dan Seduk ke dasur tanah dengan cangkul atau unkung tanah berganggang panjang. Ini bertujuan mengisi ulang nutrient untuk pertumbuhan dan bermum awal musim. Pilih protuk yang lema dengan kalum yang sangat dibutuhkan rose.

After being given fertilizer, sirami thoroughly during dry weather. Although roses don't like a lot of water, the roots like water especially when the air temperature is hot. Soil that is too dry makes roses more susceptible to disease, especially fungi.

Rose plants are very easy to catch fungal diseases, especially black patches, fungi, and carat. If you find them on a few leaves, pick them immediately and defecate. If the disease is spread all over the stems, cut them. In a severe case, it might be better to cut the plants immediately and throw all the leaves away. Then give mulsas around them as well as compost and water, then spray fungicides on the new leaves.

Like the tips above, if there are parts of the plant that are exposed to disease, get rid of it immediately. You can update hybrid rose plants that are more disease resistant. It is important to know, maintaining rose plants that are exposed to disease increases the risk of spreading disease to healthy surrounding plants.

Those are the five tips for caring for roses to bloom in the dry season. You can check every daily growth. Also check insects or small animals that disturb your beautiful garden at home.