Oslo Forum, Foreign Minister Explains The Role Of ASEAN In Maintaining Peace

JAKARTA - Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi explained ASEAN's role in maintaining peace and stability when he was the mainnote speaker at the Oslo Forum in Norway.

The annual forum, which discussed the issue of conflict and peace resolution, was attended by peace practitioners from the government, international organizations, academics, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

"The information I conveyed at the main meeting was how ASEAN used its power and politics to make Southeast Asia a stable and peaceful region," said Retno when delivering a press statement reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14.

In playing this role, he said, ASEAN continues to work hard to encourage a dialogue culture that is very important to build mutual trust and resolve conflicts.

"I emphasize this dialogue culture, which means that I am ready to listen, ready to consider the views of other parties, ready to embrace the twin-win paradigm, and ready to stand equal," said Retno.

The culture was also brought by ASEAN in various mechanisms led by ASEAN or ASEAN village-mechanism.

ASEAN also continues to strive to build an inclusive culture, which is part of the DNA of the association.

Retno admits that in the midst of the sharp rivalry in power, everything continues to be politicized and countries are forced to take sides.

Tetapi ASEAN sangat konsisten untuk menjalin kerja sama dengan semuanya, tidak memilih salah satu pihak dan menutup pintu bagi pihak lain. Pendekatan inclusif ASEAN sangat tercermin di dalam ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, kata dia.

Retno emphasized that ASEAN will continue to try to respect the rules (rules of the game).

"The international rules of the UN Charter must be respected consistently, and this consistency is very important. Without consistency, peace will not be created," he said.

"Consistent means that between the valuesdanactions it must be the same," said Retno.

In the Oslo Forum, Retno also conveyed the latest information about developments in Myanmar.

He mentioned that one of the important elements of the Five-Point Consensus is the approach and dialogue that Indonesia continues to strive for as chairman of ASEAN to help resolve the crisis in Myanmar, which was triggered by a military coup against the elected government.

For almost six months, said Retno, Indonesia has made more than 70 approaches to almost all parties in Myanmar.

"Indeed, this engagement does not appear on the newsheadlines because Indonesia does choose not to do a diplomacy smartphone," he said.

Indonesia believes that the approach taken will create mutual trust, which will become the basic capital, is very important to be able to conduct dialogues between parties in the conflict in Myanmar.

"Indonesia is also carrying out engagements with neighboring Myanmar so that their policies support the efforts being made by ASEAN," said Retno.

Together with the Colombian Foreign Minister and CEO of the International Crisis Group, Retno was invited as the mainnote speaker at the plenary session of the forum in Oslo.

"This invitation cannot be separated from Indonesia's active role in encouraging and seeking peace, among others in Myanmar and Afghanistan," he said.