MKD Will Examine DPR Member F-NasDem Sugeng Suparwoto For Verbal Harassment Report

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Honorary Court (MKD) Habiburokhman said the MKD would hold an examination of the Chairman of Commission VII DPR Sugeng Suparwoto regarding alleged violations of the code of ethics in the form of verbal sexual acts reported by a former member of the DPR with the initials AAFS this week.
"About this week, so we hope this will be resolved first in a new MKD in another place," said Habiburokhman, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.
He said the investigation would be carried out both against the complainant and the reported party. "Believe me the MKD will check all incoming reports," he said.
Separately, the Chairman of Commission VII DPR, Sugeng Suparwoto, emphasized that he would fulfill the summons both at Bareskrim Polri and the Honorary Court of the House of Representatives (MKD) of the Republic of Indonesia regarding complaints of alleged verbal sexual acts.
"Wherever it should be, it is the obligation as a citizen, MKD, Bareskrim, any clarification or whatever the question is," said Sugeng.
He said his commitment to his presence was because he was a law-abiding person so that it was not based on encouragement from his party.
"No, it is the obligation of citizens, if there are legal processes, we must obey it," he said.
Sugeng explained that the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will summon AAFS for clarification on Wednesday (14/6).
"Considering this clarification, remember, not LP, not this police report (LP), just a public complaint was clarified, it was on the 14th, not a BAP (examination report)," he said.
Previously, a former member of the DPR with the initials AAFS complained to the Chairman of Commission VII DPR Sugeng Suparwoto to the House of Representatives Honorary Court (MKD) regarding alleged violations of the code of ethics in the form of verbal sexual acts.