The Case Of Prosecutors Raising Hundreds Of Millions Of Money From CPNS Tipu Begins To Be Tried At The Mataram Court

The Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Mataram District Court, West Nusa Tenggara held Eka Putra Raharjo's first trial, a prosecutor suspected of committing fraud against a number of CPNS participants.

I Wayan Suryawan representing the public prosecutor read out the indictment in Eka Putra's first trial conveying that the defendant carried out the extortion by utilizing his position as a prosecutor.

"To the defendant, the public prosecutor applied the indictment of Article 11 and/or Article 12 letter e and/or Article 23 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 421 of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code," said Wayan.

In the indictment, Wayan explained about Eka Putra's actions, who allegedly took advantage of his position as a prosecutor's officer to extort a number of CPNS participants.

The first victim who is now a witness in the case is Muhamad Efendi. The defendant promised the witness' child to pass CPNS at the NTB Ministry of Law and Human Rights in 2020.

"In the meeting of witness Efendi with the defendant at the house of witness Jatimah, the defendant agreed to help the child of witness Efendi by providing a fee of Rp250 million," he said.

The fee offered by the defendant as a requirement to pass the CPNS is agreed to a nominal value of Rp. 170 million.

The money was given periodically by witness Efendi at the house of witness Jatimah with a receipt that reads loan funds.

"To witness Efendi, the defendant advised that if his son did not pass, the defendant would hand over his four-wheeled vehicle as collateral for the refund," he said.

However, after the announcement came out, the son of witness Efendi did not pass. Witness Efendi also asked the defendant to return the money.

"The two cars promised as collateral for the return money were not also given to witness Efendi, so until now the victim's money has not returned," he said.

This method was also carried out by the defendant against other victims who were participants in the CPNS prosecutor's office in 2020 and 2021. In this case, there were four victims with an average loss of tens to one hundred million more.

After hearing the reading of the indictment, Eka Putra through Iskandar's legal adviser stated that he did not file an exception or memorandum of objection to the indictment.

The judge responded to this by inviting the public prosecutor to present witnesses on the agenda for next week's follow-up hearing, Friday (16/6).