Construction Of Velodrome-Manggarai LRT Starting Next Month
JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ismail, said that the construction process for the 1B phase of the Jakarta LRT construction with the Velodrome-Manggarai route will begin next month. Finally, the plan for the 1B phase of the LRT construction project has entered the auction stage looking for contractors.
"Based on the data submitted by the LRT, now the stage is the bidding stage, playing the contract. If it runs smoothly, he said this July, construction can be planned in some sections," Ismail told reporters, Friday, June 9.
Ismail views that the LRT construction work on the Velodrome-Manggarai route will be completed on target, namely next year.
Bearing in mind, the DKI Provincial Government has submitted an allocation value of regional capital participation (PMD) from the APBD to PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the parent company, namely Rp1.5 trillion in changes to the APBD for the 2023 budget year and Rp3.05 trillion in the 2024 APBD.
Meanwhile, PMD for the construction of the Jakarta Velodrome-Manggarai LRT which was disbursed previously amounted to Rp916 billion from the 2023 APBD allocation.
"If you look at the PMD submission, it seems that they have an optimistic target in 2024 to be completed with three PMD stages," said Ismail.
Ismail noted that the BUMD should prepare various anticipations so that the accumulation of passengers does not occur at Manggarai Station, if later the 1B phase LRT operates.
Ismail requested that the operation of the 1B phase of the LRT does not increase the traffic density and passenger movement at Manggarai Station.
"At the end of Manggarai, it will intersect with other modes of transportation, there is Transjakarta, there is a commuter line. What we want is to make sure in terms of adequate land. Don't let high crowds arise, so it can't be accommodated because it wasn't predicted at the beginning," he explained.
It is planned that the 1B phase of the Jakarta LRT has 5 stations with a length of 6.4 kilometers, namely Youth Station, BPKP Station, Pramuka Market Station, Matraman Station, and Manggarai Station.
So far, as many as 6 LRT stations have operated with a length of 5.2 kilometers in phase 1. So, if the 1B phase has been built, the Jakarta LRT has a route length of 12.2 kilometers with 11 stations ranging from Pegangsaan Dua Station to Manggarai Station.
When fully operational, the Jakarta LRT is targeted to carry 185 thousand passengers per day. However, based on the results of a feasibility study or feasibility study, the estimated passengers of the Jakarta LRT are around 80 thousand to 100 thousand people per day.