Kasatpol PP DKI Asks Members Not To Show Off Their Assets On Social Media
JAKARTA The culture of showing off wealth or property (flexing) that is often carried out by state officials or their wives is in the media spotlight. This phenomenon has also become a concern for the Head of the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) Arifin. He appealed to all members to be careful using social media and not to flexing. "We urge all members of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Satpol PP to be careful in carrying out their activities on social media (medsos), not to carry out activities in terms of flexing culture which is now often carried out by some social media users," said Arifin, quoting Antara, Monday, June 5. Arifin reminded his members not to seek recognition just by showing off their assets. In addition, Arifin also asked all members of the Satpol PP to always improve discipline in carrying out all their duties and obligations in the work. "Being ASN must always have the main values of characterizing the work culture that underlies the performance and behavior of ASN," said Arifin.
ASNs, continued Arifin, must also be able to balance organizational expectations and expectations by continuing to improve performance continuously, always learning to increase capacity, and adjusting behavior to applicable core values. On that occasion, Arifin also mentioned that the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) is ready to support the security of the Capital City during the 2024 regional head elections (Pilkada). "There are KPU and Bawaslu, they are election organizers. We (Satpol PP) help if needed or needed in terms of enforcement of violations in the regions," said Head of DKI Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Monday.