Women Talking Didapuk Film Kategori Cerita Panjang Terbaik Balinale 2023
BALI - Bali International Film Festival (Balinale) 2023 announced 4 winners for the short documentary category, short story film, documentary film, and long story film. In addition, there are also several awards from the Committee and the American Indonesia Culture.
For the category, the short documentary film was won by Robin Gurney and Lawrence Blair (Indonesia) with the work Behind the Seen.
The jury assessed that Behind the Seen is an epic story that serves as a touching reminder of our simple home, and we as guests in an amazing universe.
In the film Behind the Seen, filmmakers get the desire to explore this narrative further and keep the hope that the filmmaker will continue to make the film's version long, and turn it into an interesting series.
He saw that the perfect story and narrative, made by a truly extraordinary bulwark, Lawrence Blair had extraordinary abilities, bringing documentaries to an epic story.
Meanwhile, the Special Jury award was given to Roberto Natali (Indonesia) with the film Forgotten.
Forgotten, a story that highlights dedicated organizations and individuals and struggles to solve the waste problem in Bali. This film tells the story of groups who work tirelessly in increasing public awareness.
The Short Story Film Category came out as the winner of Tan Ce Ding's (Malaysia) "Please Hold the Line"
The judges considered, in a very short time, Please Hold the Line suitably dug up various complicated problems. This film very well describes the spectrum of socio-economic challenges common in Malaysia.
Please Hold also talks about underprivileged individuals being forced to take the opportunity, but morally questioned in defending life.
The Special Jury award was given to Enrique Buleo (Spain) with the film Las Visitantes.
Every moment of wide view is filled with fun simplicity and sincere relationships with subject matter. It feels like traveling with the characters, where humor easily exists with an ongoing narrative.
The documentary film won by the film Crows Are White by Ashen Nadiem (Ireland)
Juri mengungkapkan, Crows Are White ffilm yang benar-benar menarik tentang kesterensi pembuat film yang tak menakin untuk bertahan dalam menyelesaikan film ini. Meski banyak penolakan selama produksinya, namun, aspek yang paling penting adalah akhir cerita yang penuh emosi dalam narasi yang memburuk.
For the fourth winner in the Long Story Film category with the title Women Talking by Sarah Polley (USA).
The judges assessed that in the film, there is a very intense and anticipatory drama. Women Talking has an idea of how the film's story will end. The filmmaker is so skilled at making unexpected plot twists. This film has an important meaning in empowering women, making it a significant cinema.
The Gary L Hayes Award for Indonesian Filmmaker won the film The Tone Wheels by Yuda Kurniawan (Indonesia)
This film depicts a busker village that has big dreams, even though its resources and equipment are limited. They struggle to overcome obstacles. Filmmakers display the great aspirations of their characters, describing a clear picture of their determination and determination.
The Tone Wheels is a work with characters like the style of Gary L. Hayes.
The American Indonesian Culture and Education Foundation Prize was won by Theo Rumansara (Indonesia) with the title film Orpa.
Film Orpa merangkum tantangan yang dihadapi oleh seorang gadis muda. Orpa menggambarkan perjuangan hidup, membebaskan diri dari batas ekspektasi masyarakat dan norm-norma tradisional.
Set in the beautiful island of Papua, this filmmaker brings an authentic perspective into its narrative. Orpa is an interesting exploration of personal growth and empowerment. He also highlighted the unique experiences and struggles of individuals in Papua.
The Committee Award was given to Mickael Couturier (Indonesia) in the film The Art of Giving.
Film ini melampaui batas-batas pembuatan film tradisional. Juri menilai, pembuat fili, dengan sepenuh hati merangkul subjek dalam menunjukkan hubungan cinta yang mendalam.
The film also shows years of service in shaping character before production. Their enthusiasm and commitment radiated at the final result, creating a cinematic experience that really had an impact and intimateness.
Balinase is an annual film event involving filmmakers and industry leaders who gather together to celebrate selected films with stunning stories and an extraordinary creative and technical team.
Meanwhile, in several Balinale 2023 Jury Panels, namely Djenar Maesa Ayu (Indonesia), Author, producer, director; Michela Scolari (Italy), Producer, author, director; Richard Todd (Australia), documentary filmmaker; Jomon Thomas (India), Executive Producer of Jason Allan Neal (United States), and General Manager of Original Content and Innovation, Fremantle.