MKI Gathering And Launch Of The 78th National Electricity Day Activities - Asia Enlit 2023 Officially Opened

JAKARTA - The 78th National Electricity Day - Enlit Asia 2023 was officially opened today at the MKI Gathering and the Grand Launching of the 78th National Electricity Day - Asian Enlit 2023'. The MKI Gathering is an annual event conducted by the MKI to increase synergy with its members.

In the event with the theme Indonesian Electricity Sector Readiness in the Achievement of the NDC 2030 Target Through Renewable Energy Development, MKI has also inaugurated the Launch of the 78th National Electricity Day as well as announced the event which was held in collaboration with the 2023 Asian Enlit which will be held on November 14-16, 2023.

The inauguration was carried out by the Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ir. Jisman P. Hutajulu, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Electricity Society, Mr Evy Haryadi, General Chairperson of the 78th National Electricity Day, Mrs. Arsyadany G Akmalaputri and representatives of several sponsors.

The MKI Gathering and Grand Launching of the 78th National Electricity Day - Enlit Asia 2023 discussed commercial and strategic issues that are expected to accelerate the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable power system. Where the evolution of traditional power systems, integration of next-generation clean technology and framework as well as financing that supports this transition, will be the focus of discussion.

Indonesia itself has submitted a new proposal regarding the nationally determined contribution (NDC), which was submitted to the United Nations, reducing carbon emissions by 32 percent or the equivalent of 912 million tons of CO2 by 2030. This target is up from the previous figure of 29 percent. In addition, it also discusses synergy efforts that can be made by stakeholders in Indonesia in achieving the 0 percent zero emission target in 2060.

In the same event, a discussion panel was also held on the 'Accelerated Development of EBT-Based Electricity: with sub-topics:'Indonesian Electricity Sector Readiness in Achievement of NDC 2030 Targets through Renewable Energy Development', with the topic being discussed:- The EBT Generation Mix Plan at the 2023-2032 RUPTL by the Minister of Warsiono - EVP Rensis PT PLN Persero

- Plans for Procurement of EBT Plants for 2023 - 2034 and its Cooperation Scheme by Mr. Alland Asqolani - EVP for Procurement of EBT & IPP Plants PT PLN Persero

- Challenges in the Implementation of EBT Development, Lesson Learned and Success Factors by Mr. Ardi Nugroho - VP Technologu Development of PT PLN Nusantara Power

In his remarks, the Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ir. Jisman P. Hutajulu said the Challenge in the field of electricity is very large. As we know, Indonesia is currently still using 67 percent of the need for power generation from coal to meet around 83 Giga watts nationally.

The Indonesian government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector by 358 million tons C02 by 2030. The government has issued Law No. 16 years concerning the Paris Agreement on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

In addition, the agenda for the sustainable clean energy transition to net zero emissions is also one of the G20 Indonesia presidency agendas in 2022. Then, the success of Indonesia's presidency is continued through the Chairship of ASEAN 2023 where one of the pillars is the energy sector. Therefore, through this event, we hope that the MKI can provide information and recommendations from input to take policies in the electricity sector.

Chairman of the MKI, Evy Hariyadi said, this forum is a sustainable effort from the MKI to support the government in achieving net zero emissions by 2030. Collaboration and cooperation with many parties are needed to help reduce emissions, especially in the field of electricity.

"Therefore, in the framework of National Electricity Day 23, we present an Enlit Asia 2023 event which will take place on November 14 - 16, 2023 with the theme Strengthening Asean Readiness in Energy Transition. We hope that the support from the stakeholders present today can contribute to Indonesia's achievement in net zero emissions by 2030," Evy said in his statement, Friday, June 2.Photofolio Director Energy Asia Events, Simon Hoare said This joint event continues the partnership which has succeeded in presenting the first Asian Powergen in Indonesia and Indonesia's 73rd National Electricity Day in 2018. In Enlit 2023 it will be held on November 14, 2023, will present more than 350 exhibitors from around the world who will showcase the latest technology and innovations that support the energy transition throughout ASEAN.

It is targeted that 12,000 visitors from all over Indonesia and ASEAN will benefit more than 75 hours of free content delivered by the latest technology and solution providers, and a case study on the use of the latest technology in the field by IPP and electrical utilities.

More than 150 leading speakers in the industry will share their insights simultaneously. Therefore, we invite all parties to be able to take advantage of this platform to work together even more closely to achieve the 0 percent zero emissions target by 2060," Evy concluded.