Makassar Al-Quran Tahfiz School Fire Turns Out To Be 3 Santri

The Makassar Police investigator team succeeded in uncovering the perpetrators of the Tahfidzul School fire case Quran Markaz Hijrah Indonesia (STQ MHI) along with Boutiqe El Fakhr and his shop on May 18, 2023 on Jalan Hertasning.

"From the results of the investigation, it was found that there were three perpetrators with the initials MH (17), MF (16) and MA (17) who burned the goods in the house," said Makassar Police Chief Kombes Mokhamad Ngajib as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.

From the results of the investigation and investigation, said the Police Chief, there were three fire incidents at the school, namely on May 9, May 17, and May 18, 2023. This is a series of similar incidents.

The determination of the perpetrators was emphasized based on the results of the crime scene (TKP) and then the examination of witnesses and the examination of suspects, so that there was evidence, namely the perpetrator's statement and there was evidence that matched the testimony of witnesses.

"Evidence at the crime scene and based on expert information from the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) which stated that the results of the crime scene processing were declared that the fire was caused by the burning carried out by the three perpetrators," said Kombes Ngajib.

As for the motive or role of each of the perpetrators' statements, namely the Supreme Court burned the broom and then used the Supreme Court to burn the kitchen on the first incident on May 9, 2023. Luckily, the fire was still under control.

The second incident, MF bought gasoline with MH to intend to burn the school. Then the three perpetrators set fire to the kitchen and the front table of the third floor entrance using gasoline on May 17, 2023. From that incident, the fire was successfully extinguished and did not spread to other rooms.

However, the last incident resulted in a fairly large fire and killed all school rooms on May 18, 2023 at around 20.00 WITA. Where one of the perpetrators smoked and threw away cigarette butts still burning near the balcony door made of wood and had been doused with gasoline and then quickly lit up.

"If the previous incident was on May 17, the suspect poured gasoline on his desk. Then for May 9, the perpetrator burned the kitchen using a lighter. The three perpetrators are still minors, and are currently being detained," he said.

It is concluded that there is sufficient evidence that the three perpetrators have committed a criminal act intentionally or because they were negligent in causing a fire that could endanger goods or for people's lives.

"The three of them are subject to Article 187 and/or 188 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 56 of Article 64 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years in prison. The motive for the perpetrators of burning the school is because they feel tired of being restricted from leaving. They are still minors so that the Child Protection Law is applied," said the former Medan City Police Chief. emphasized.