Victims Of 'War' Fraud Coldplay Concert Tickets Continue To Increase, Temporary Loss Total Rp183 Million

JAKARTA - The number of victims of service fraud entrusted Coldplay concert tickets who complained to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police continues to grow. The total temporary loss is estimated at hundreds of millions.

"For now, there are only 14 people who did or gave advocacy to us, then it increased to 60 people with a loss value of Rp. 32 million, now it is Rp. 183 million," said the victim's lawyer, Zainul Arifin to reporters, Tuesday, May 23.

In his report, the victim admitted that the perpetrator carried out the action via social media. The perpetrator offered a ticket to Coldplay's concert which turned out to be a trick.

In fact, there are several social media platforms that the perpetrators use in carrying out their fraudulent actions.

"There is Twitter and Instagram. He also has telegram related to the spread of several modes of these perpetrators," he said.

On the other hand, Zainul said that Bareskrim would examine the victims today. In addition, several pieces of evidence will also be submitted to investigators.

"Today is the agenda to submit some evidence and also provide clarification information from several victims," he said.

Previously, the report made by Zainul was registered with the number LP/B/106/V/2023/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri, dated May 19, 2023.

It was stated that 14 victims were in the Jabodetabek area. They lost Rp. 30 million.

For information, Polda Metro Jaya arrested a married couple aka a couple who were the perpetrators of service fraud who entrusted tickets to Coldplay music group concerts in the country.

"The victims who reported to our place were approximately 60 people and we traced those in their savings amounting to Rp257 million, this is for the results of a temporary investigation," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Auliansyah Lubis.

A married couple with the initials ABF and W tiu used the Twitter account @fintrove_id in carrying out their fraudulent practices with the service mode of entrusting Coldplay concerts which they planned to take place at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK), Jakarta, on November 15.

The account was bought by both of them from someone. With consideration, the Twitter account already has quite a number of followers.

The many followers became the modus operandi of the two perpetrators. Because, you can believe in people to buy through them.

"Then from this website ( Twitter account) they opened or Open jattip war tickets for Coldplay music of the spheres in Jakarta, which on Twitter they also said that it was as if this website ( Twitter account) had sold various previous concert tickets, and succeeded," said Auliansyah.