BMKG Reminds Potential Heavy Rain In Aceh In The Next 3 Days

BANDA ACEH - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) warned of the potential for heavy rain in the Aceh region in the next three days, so that people are asked to be aware of all hydrometeorological disasters.

"Be aware of the potential for hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, landslides, strong winds due to heavy rains or long-duration rain," said BMKG Class I forecaster Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh Besar Putri Rizki Afriza in Banda Aceh as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.

He explained that the potential for moderate to heavy rainfall in Aceh was triggered by wind bends and wind encounters in the Aceh region, as well as warming sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean region of Aceh.

This condition can increase the potential for rain cloud growth in the Aceh region. As a result, a number of areas have the potential for rain that can be accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds.

In the past three days, areas that have rained include Pidie, East Aceh, Langsa, Aceh Tamiang, Gayo Lues, Central Aceh, Southeast Aceh, Bener Meriah, Banda Aceh, and Aceh Besar, as well as Aceh Singkil, and Subulussalam City.

BMKG appealed to all Acehnese people to always be aware of the potential for hydrometeorological disasters. Moreover, Aceh has entered the dry season, so it is also necessary to be aware of the potential for forest and land fires.

"We urge you not to burn garbage carelessly, to clear land by burning so as not to cause hotspots and fires," he said.

Meanwhile, for the potential for sea waves, said Putri, it was observed that it was conducive in the Aceh region in the next few days, which was between 0.5 and 2.5 meters.

"For the Banda Aceh-Sabang crossing, the sea wave height is between 0-2 meters, and the crossing to Simeulue is between 0-1.5 meters," he said.