COVID-19 Vaccine Becomes Competitive: Indonesia Safeguards 600 Million Doses, Malaysia Still Bites Its Fingers

JAKARTA - The struggle for vaccines by countries around the world is true. This is because the supply of vaccines is limited and some superpowers such as the United States and Britain are triple their population.

Therefore, not all countries in the world can secure supplies of the COVID-19 vaccine for their citizens. One country that is still biting its fingers is Malaysia.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said Indonesia was one of the lucky countries because it had succeeded in securing supplies of the COVID-19 vaccine for citizens. In fact, they have started vaccinating.

"Indonesia is one of the countries that secures (secure) the amount of its vaccines quickly and safely. Friends see there are many WA (WhatsApp) groups of Malaysians who are protesting against getting vaccines," he said, in a discussion, Thursday, January 21. .

Currently, said Budi, the number of people in the world reaches 7.8 billion. To achieve herd immunity (communal immunity), it means that 5.5 billion people must be vaccinated. Meanwhile, the world's vaccine production capacity for various viruses is 6.2 billion doses per year.

"If you are late booking a vaccine (COVID-19), it will take 3.5 years to vaccinate. Currently all developed countries have secured vaccines with 4 times the number of their population. Indonesia's condition is relatively safe, we have locked up 600 million COVID vaccines. -19, "explained Budi.

Furthermore, Budi said, this is what makes countries in the world compete to get the COVID-19 vaccine from producers.

The former Vice Minister I of BUMN revealed that the 600 million doses of vaccine that had been secured by the Indonesian government consisted of four types of vaccines, namely the Sinovac vaccine from China, Astrazenca from the UK, Europe. Then, Pfizer from Germany collaborated with the United States and Novavax from the United States.

As of January 13, Indonesia has started the vaccination process, starting with the injection of vaccine against President Joko Widodo. Furthermore, the vaccine will be injected to 1.4 million health workers.

Then, in March to April 2021, it will continue for 17 million public sector workers such as civil servants and members of the TNI / Polri, then the elderly, which number 25 million, and finally the general public who are targeted to start in May 2021.