Employee Rights Who Are Laid Off: So Employees Must Know So They Don't Be Equipped
YOGYAKARTA - Layoffs are indeed a disaster for employees and it can happen to anyone and any company. But don't worry, layoffs are not only about misery and misfortune because we will learn the rights of employees affected by phk.
The government has issued 49 implementing provisions from the Job Creation Law No. 11 of 2020, one of which is Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021 concerning Specific Time Work Agreements, Transfer, Worktime and Rest Time, and Termination of Work Relations.
In Article 40 Paragraph 1 of Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021, it is stated that in terms of layoffs, employers must pay severance pay and/or service award money, replacement money for rights that should be received.
The amount of severance pay and award money is given based on the working period of the worker. Next, the company also distributes replacement money for rights that should be received. The amount of money to replace this right is listed in conjunction with Article 43 paragraph(4), including:
Not only that, Article 43 stipulates, if the company or employer can reduce the amount of severance pay that must be paid to workers, if the company carries out the efficiency caused by the company's losses, the company closes and faces losses, bankrupt companies.
If you comply with these provisions, until the company is allowed by the government to distribute severance pay by half or 0, 5 times the amount of severance pay. However, workers can get bonuses in the form of reward money for the service period of 1 time from the provisions.
So after knowing the rights of employees affected by phk, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!