BJB Credit Composition For MSMEs Asked To Be Improved

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of West Java (Jabar) Uu Ruzhanul Ulum asked for credit composition for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) distributed by Bank BJB, to continue to be improved. "Mesra credit is good, but our hope must continue to be increased in distribution from year to year. Why can't today be more than yesterday," said Deputy Governor Uu Ruzhanul Ulum in his statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 22.

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk (BJBR) atau Bank BJB tahun ini bertama 62 tahun.Sebagai informasi, penerima manfaat Kredit BJB Mesra (untuk pelaku UMKM) telah tersebar di 13 kota dan 21 kabupaten se-Indonesia.Sejak 2018 hingga saat ini, Bank BJB total telah menyalurkan Rp5,5 miliar kredit kepada tens ribu ribu penerima manfaat. Wagub Uu menuturkan usia 62 tahun merupakan sebuah pencapaian tersendiri bagi sebuah perbankan dan di usia yang semakin mengeri, Bank BJB semakin genit dan menyumbangkan untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional juga daerah.

"At the age of 62 years, I would like to thank BJB, for being one of the prima donnas of PAD West Java and always reliable and always increasing from year to year (the spider)," he said. He also hopes that at the age of 62 the Bank BJB can also improve people's welfare through economic-valued credit such as Kredit Mesra. The President Director of Bank BJB, Yuddy Renaldi said, the age of 62 is a mature age to strive to build the nation and grow the community's economy. "Bank BJB is committed to continuing to provide benefits and happiness for Indonesia in the era of digitalization and economic challenges this year," he said. Yuddy, at this birthday celebration, the key word presented is Happy or Happy. Having a meaning, the happiness of Indonesians is very meaningful for the realization of the presence for Bank BJB, so that it always provides benefits for Indonesian citizens. "Bank BJB is committed to making Indonesian citizens #MakinHepi in the form of gratitude for the age of 62 years," said Yuddy.

Sementara pada sisi pemegang saham, Bank BJB pun senantiasa berkomitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik, dibuktikan dengan kenaikan dividen setiap tahun dan juga selalu mendukung program pemerintah daerah.Sebagai informasi, Bank BJB membagi dividen untuk Tahun Buku 2022 sebesar Rp1,1 triliun.Angka tersebut setara dengan 49,47 persen dari laba bersih yang berhasil dibukukan oleh Bank BJB di Tahun Buku 2022 sebesar Rp2,22 triliun.Pada tahun buku 2022 Bank BJB berhasil mencatatkan pertumbuhan laba yang berkualitas, sehingga dividen per lembar saham pun meningkat dari Rp99,11 menjadi Rp104,55.Yuddy menegaskan, manajemen Bank BJB berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja, agar memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat luas, termasuk shareholder.