Meeting Emmanuel Macron, Jokowi Discusses French Investment In Indonesia To Agreement On Alutsista

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo discussed the agreement on the main weapon system (alutsista) equipment sector to French investment in Indonesia with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The discussion at the bilateral meeting was held at the Grand Prince Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan, Sunday, May 21.

"First, (about) Indonesia's membership in the FATF (Financial Action Task Force). I hope French support for Indonesia to be accepted as a member of the FATF. Indonesia is the only G20 country that has not become a member of the FATF," Jokowi said in a written statement, Sunday, May 21, which was confiscated by Antara.

Second, Jokowi asked for Macron's support so that the Indonesia-EU Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IUE-CEPA) can be completed in 2024.

Third, the two leaders also discussed investment in the strategic sector. Jokowi welcomed the participation of French companies in the Indonesian downstream project and French assistance through The Agence Franaise de D\"evelopement (AFD) of 500 million euros and the establishment of the Secretariat of Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in Indonesia.

Jokowi assessed the need to follow up on Hydrogene de France (HDF) cooperation with PT Bukit Asam for hydrogen-based technology and the Center de cooperation internationale en recherche agronomique pour le diveloppement (CIRAD) with the Indonesian Blue Foundation for sustainable development.

"Indonesia has also opened investments to build the capital city of Nusantara in the fields of infrastructure, green energy, and ecotourism. We have prepared incentives and investment facilities," he added.

Fourth, in the field of defense and defense, Jokowi welcomed the joint venture plan between PT Len Industri and Thales.

"Let's continue to encourage technology transfer, knowledge transfer, and joint production. I invite the participation of the French private sector for the implementation of concrete cooperation AOIP (ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific). I also invite French participation in the ASEAN-IndoPacific Forum in Jakarta in September," said Jokowi.

Also accompanying Jokowi in the meeting were the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment.