Absorption Of Electric Vehicle Subsidy Is Still Low, Moeldoko: Socialization Must Be Fast And Simultaneous

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko encouraged Ministries / Institutions and Local Governments to work together to socialize government policies regarding the provision of assistance for the development of Battery-Based Electric Vehicles (KLBB). Moreover, the absorption of quotas for the purchase of electric vehicles is still low.
"Perhaps the public doesn't know how to get the assistance. Is assistance given directly, or given through dealers in the form of restitution or others. For this reason, socialization must be carried out quickly and simultaneously so that it is really conveyed and the public becomes understanding," said Moeldoko while chairing a coordination meeting related to the implementation of government assistance for Battery-Based Electric Vehicles (KLBB), at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Friday. 19 May.
As is known, the government has issued a policy of providing assistance for the purchase of two-wheeled electric vehicles, namely in the form of discounted prices of IDR 7 million for the purchase of one unit of two-wheeled electric vehicles. The assistance is intended for people who meet certain requirements. Namely, registered as KUR beneficiaries, micro business productive assistance, wage subsidy assistance, and recipients of electricity subsidies up to 900 VA.
Meanwhile, government assistance for four-wheeled electric vehicles is in the form of providing 10 percent VAT-DTP incentives.
Moeldoko emphasized that this assistance is expected to encourage the mass adoption of battery-based electric vehicles, as well as increase public access to electric vehicles at a more affordable price. So that the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia can run quickly.
One of the keys is how we increase public interest. That's why the government provides assistance so that people can buy electric vehicles at affordable prices," concluded Moeldoko.
For information, the coordination meeting Dr. Moeldoko related to the implementation of government assistance for Battery-Based Electric Vehicles (KLBB) was attended by representatives of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Industry, and representatives of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.