Most Indonesians Access the Internet Using Cellphones or Tablets

JAKARTA - The latest Indonesian Internet Network Service Providers Association (APJII) survey report entitled "Indonesian Internet User Profiles & Trends 2023" reveals that the internet penetration rate in Indonesia has reached 78.19 percent or 215.626.156 users.

Of these, 3.33 percent of survey users said they used the internet to be able to access social media, including accessing Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Line, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and others.

In addition, the use of the internet to access information/news (3.15 percent), to work or study from home (3.11 percent), to access public services (3.05 percent), to transact online (2.92 percent), to access e-mail (2 .91 percent), to access entertainment content such as online games/TV/Radio/Video Online (2.9 percent), and to access online transportation (2.85 percent).

The survey also revealed that most or 99.51 percent of the public use mobile phones or tablets to access the internet, while the other 7.37 percent use computers or laptops.

When we are engrossed in browsing the internet, maybe we have felt time goes by so fast, that you can spend a lot of time there.

This is justified by the fact that the majority (63.74 percent) of Indonesian people spend 1-5 hours using the internet.

In addition, people who spend time using the internet for 6-10 hours by 22.44 percent, more than 10 hours 7.14 percent, and less than one hour by 6.68 percent.