Bank Indonesia Speaks Up About BSI Service Disturbances
JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) gave an official statement regarding the disruption of payment system services at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. (BSI) last week. Through the Head of the BI Communication Department Erwin Haryono, the monetary authority conveyed several things.
First, Bank Indonesia together with the Payment Services Provider (PJP) are committed to continuing to ensure that payment system services are safe and reliable in supporting transaction activities in the community.
Second, under the supervision and assistance of Bank Indonesia as the authority of the national payment system, BSI has restored connections with the central bank so that Bank Indonesia Real Time Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS) services, the Bank Indonesia National Clearing System (SKN BI), and BI Fast operate normally.
"Bank Indonesia together with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) always ensures that every PJP meets the security standards of information systems including the use of a safe and reliable system," Erwin said in a press release today, Wednesday, May 17.
He explained that PJP is required to always increase the resilience of information systems and immediately restore services after the incident of service disturbances that have an impact on consumers.
At the same time, continued Erwin, PJP must also comply with and implement consumer protection principles, including protection of consumer assets against abuse, as well as effective handling and settlement of complaints.
"This is firmly covered by each of the Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 23/6/PBI/2021 concerning Payment Services Providers and Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 22/20/PBI/2020 concerning Consumer Protection of Bank Indonesia, which is none other than aimed at maintaining the stability of the national payment system," he said.
Erwin added, Bank Indonesia continues to monitor the smoothness of payment system services at BSI and payment system services throughout PJP to ensure that people can transact quickly, easily, cheaply, safely, and reliably.
"This is by taking into account stability, expansion of access, consumer protection, healthy business practices, and the implementation of best practices," Erwin concluded.