Kemenkop UKM Commitment To Realize 1 Million New Entrepreneurs Until 2024

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KemenKopUKM) is committed to realizing the target of an entrepreneurial ratio of 3.95 percent by creating one million new entrepreneurs until 2024, as mandated by Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 2 of 2022 concerning National Entrepreneurship Development for 2021-2024.

Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (MenKopUKM) Teten Masduki in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 15, said that this target can be achieved through collaboration between the central and regional governments, namely the central government, which has a responsibility to produce 600 thousand new entrepreneurs, while the remaining 400 thousand are tasks for the regions.

"Until the end of 2022, we have printed 392,847 new entrepreneurs through various strategies designed by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, ranging from business incubation programs, digitization of KUMKM, business consultations and assistance, entrepreneurship development activities at Integrated Business Service Centers (PLUT), to complete data collection in each region," said Teten.

Throughout 2022, the Ministry of Cooperatives (KemenKUKM) carried out 36 entrepreneurship development activities, both for entrepreneurial candidates, novice entrepreneurs and established entrepreneurs.

From the activities that have been carried out, KemenKopUKM has succeeded in providing assistance to 36,821 entrepreneurs, with details of 17,790 are entrepreneurial candidates, 16,144 novice entrepreneurs, and 2,887 established entrepreneurs.

"For this year's entrepreneurship development, we will schedule various activities to repeat success in 2022, with various innovations that we hope can produce more quality new entrepreneurs," said Teten.

Deputy for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Siti Azizah, said that this year her party had scheduled business incubation for 100 to 120 startups carried out in eight incubator institutions.

The eight incubator institutions include the NTB Regional Research and Innovation Agency, INBIS-University Syiah Kuala, North Sumatra University Innovation Research Development Agency (USU), Indonesian Institute of Technology's Center for Business Innovation and Incubation (PI2B-ITI), Bali Business Institution, LPPM UNNES, STIA-LAN Bandung, Trilogy University Institution.

"Why are there so many campuses involved? Because we hope that research results can be commercialized. The idea of establishing this'startup' can also come from research results. We have conducted an comparative study to Melbourne, Australia," he said.