South Sulawesi Health Office Handles 6 KLB Pertussis Or Coughs One Day
The South Sulawesi Health Office is handling six Pertussian KLB (Extraordinary Cases) cases with 4 cases each in Bulukumba Regency and 2 cases in Luwu Regency.
Head of the South Sulawesi Health Office, Rosmini Pandin, said that the KLB case in a number of areas occurred because the patient was not immunized or the complete immunization was not fulfilled. Meanwhile, this pertussis can be prevented by vaccination or immunization.
"Hopefully it can be a trigger for immunization to be pursued in a number of areas whose achievements are still low while searching for our children who have not been immunized," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.
Previously, as many as 19 children were suspected (suspects) of pertussis (swimming coughs) or called coughs a hundred days, consisting of 16 people in Bulukumba Regency and 3 people in Luwu.
Diseases that can be prevented by immunization or PD3I such as polio, hepatitis B, pertussis, diphtheria, haemophilus influenzae type B, wajah and tetanus. The existence of cases of the disease can be categorized as KLB (Extraordinary Incident).
Rosmini said that currently his party together with the regional Health Office are conducting thorough handling so that the KLB does not happen again.
The reason is, in addition to treating positive patients of the portusis KLB, tracing or tracing is also carried out by the Rapid Action Team (TGC) on parties who are in close contact with patients.
"So the handling was carried out by TGC, then it was reported and carried out again with vaccinations around it, there was an SOP, they were handled thoroughly," he said.
Although pertussis is caused by respiratory tract infections and is highly contagious, the Ministry of Health has not prepared the handling of close contacts of Portussian patients, such as the availability of portusis drugs.
"Even though the transmission is fast, and to complete the handling, we have to trace the victim's relatives and friends so that this KLB does not happen again. Because if you look at the history of the Pertussian KLB, it always happens in that area," said Sitti Hidayah as Head of Suveilans and Immunization of the South Sulawesi Health Office added.
So, in addition to the central government, the South Sulawesi Health Office expects the regional Health Office to cooperate in planning drug procurement as an alert effort that refers to KLB findings in each region in the previous year.
Data from the South Sulawesi Health Office shows that there are 6 cases of Pertusis in South Sulawesi in 2022 from 22 suspects. The 6 people are spread across Maros 2 people, Bulukumba 1 person and Luwu 3 people.
"Based on the history of the Pertussian case, we believe that the current case is still impacted from the previous year, because the handling is not complete," he said.
Regarding the handling of close contacts of Pertussian patients, the South Sulawesi Health Office has submitted a request for a prophyxisis drug in the form of displays and tablets.
"Now it's starting to be budgeted and the medicine is already there, so it's ready to be divided even though the medicine is limited," he said.