BPBD Cilacap Asks People To Beware Of Land Movement In Cilongkrang
JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cilacap, West Java appealed to the public to be aware of the phenomenon of ground movement in Cilongkrang which has a direct impact on the national road of the South Coast route, connecting Cilacap Regency with Pangandaran Regency.
"People should be careful and vigilant when crossing along the Cilongkrang road, because there could be further landslides, yesterday when reviewed by PJ Regent Cilacap, the land is still moving, it is very worrying, for that BPBD has moved to secure affected residents, and currently evacuation has been prepared," said Acting Head of BPBD Cilacap Erna Suharyati in a discussion on BNPB Disaster Teropong reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.
Based on the Cilacap BPBD report, this ground movement caused the national road to subside 30 meters long, 5 meters wide, and a depth of up to 60 centimeters, and had caused traffic to stall.
Erna said, this phenomenon of ground movement has occurred in Cilongkrang Village, Wanareja District, due to the flow of water under the road and heavy rain with a long enough duration.
Erna also reported that the location of the incident was at four points, in four villages in two sub-districts, namely Bantar Village, Wanareja District, Tarisi Village, Cilongkrang, then Negajati Village, Cimanggu. Then, there was also aftershocks in Binggeng Village, Dayeuhluhur District.
According to BPBD reports, the movement of this land was reported to have occurred on Friday and Saturday (5-6 May) on a proposal.
Currently, BPBD Cilacap is working with the West Java Province Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Office for road repairs, as well as the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) for long-term mitigation.
"BPBD in collaboration with Provincial PUPR, which is very fast in implementing road repairs, so at night on the 5th there was an incident, then in the morning it was immediately flattened, and in a day two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles can also be passed," said Erna.
In addition, BPBD Cilacap has also collaborated with the District Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimcam) and volunteers to install warning signs at the time of the incident so that people passing by are more careful.
"To this day everything has been resolved, yesterday a review was also carried out by the Acting Regent of Cilacap, and he emphasized that we must remain alert to accelerate handling. He has also asked the public whether it is ready to be relocated, and basically the community is ready, the important thing is that they feel safe," said Erna.
For long-term mitigation in the form of relocation, Erna also said that the Cilacap BPBD had written to PVMBG to conduct a study at the four points that had been stated, because the recommendation for relocation of residents had to be officially issued by PVMBG.