JK Advises Cak Imin To Increase PKB

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar or familiarly called Cak Imin conveyed that in his meeting with senior Golkar Party politician Jusuf Kalla (JK), he was given advice to raise PKB.

"The power he gave, the important thing is to increase the PKB, strengthen the constituents. There, it becomes a record for our political future, ready to face challenges," said Cak Imin to reporters after holding a meeting with JK as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, May 6.

In addition, continued Cak Imin, Jusuf Kalla also gave advice so that PKB would always increase the internal solidity of its party.

Cak Imin was grateful and said he was grateful to get these advice. According to him, Jusuf Kalla always provides constructive advice for PKB. In fact, he added, Jusuf Kalla also provided guidance and helped PKB overcome various problems.

"So far, from ancient times, Mr. JK has not only guided, advised, but also sometimes helped us to overcome various challenges, problems, both regarding his NU, Islam, the struggle for mosque da'wah, and so on," said Cak Imin.

Meanwhile, Jusuf Kalla also conveyed other things that he discussed with Cak Imin. Among them, discussing steps to make the fate of the Indonesian state and nation better and more advanced.

"We discussed of course how Indonesia will go forward. In the future, we don't talk anymore. Everyone wants to be positive. For me, (Cak Imin) as friends, younger siblings, we are both NU people, right, so we discuss how the progress of the nation, people, and so on," said Kalla.

Cak Imin and Jusuf Kalla's meeting lasted about an hour and a half. Cak Imin was accompanied by PKB Secretary General Muhammad Hasanuddin Wahid, Deputy General Chair of Ideology and PKB Cadreization M. Hanif Dharmakiri, and his wife Rustini Murtadho.