PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina Present City Gas Tour, Expand Socialization Of Natural Gas Utilization

JAKARTA - In order to enliven the 58th Anniversary, PT PGN Tbk as Pertamina Gas Subholding has launched City Gas Tour again to expand natural gas socialization. City Gas Tour presents food trucks that will pass from Jakarta to 5 (five) cities, namely Lampung, Palembang, Bogor, Tangerang, and Semarang.

City Gas Tour was released by PGN Management at the PGN Headquarters on Friday morning May 5. Uniquely, the release of the City Gas Tour this time was accompanied by a CNG motorbike and a number of members of the Ojol community.

"The City Gas Tour journey will lead to Sumatra, to be precise Lampung and Palembang. Then Tangerang, Bogor, to Semarang. Let's bring together the spirit of natural gas energy, sovereign energy in this country. Natural gas is entirely in Indonesia, we must be independent in energy. Hopefully it can be conveyed to the public so that people can know and switch to using natural gas both for transportation to households," said PGN Director of Sales and Operations Faris Aziz in his remarks at the release of City Gas Tour 2023.

City Gas Tour passes by food truck, GasKu car and activation team to socialize the use of natural gas will visit target markets and public areas. City gas tour activities include socialization of PGN products, security of natural gas use, and direct customer registration.

PGN's Food Truck is the first food truck in Indonesia that has been equipped with natural gas installations. PGN's subsidiary, PGAS Solution (PGASOL) together with Gagas Energi Indonesia modified the haram car into dual fuel (diesel and CNG).

This Food truck has been supported by dual fuel using two cranes. Each crane has one tube with a capacity of 15 LSP. For its capacity capacity, per LSP is around 16 KM. This means that food trucks can be supported by two cranes to travel up to 480 KM," explained PGASOL Technical & Development Director Lebinner Sinaga.

PGN's Food Truck will support activities during the trip with food and drinks, as well as equipment such as stoves, dryers for laundry where electricity is produced from gas. Currently there is also an iron, so this food truck can produce steam that can be used to iron clothes.

The collaboration between PGASOL and Gagas is a miniature of PGN Group's business and products. We want to present a solution to make natural gas can go around being part of the good energy of the archipelago," said Lebinner

City Gas Tour activity conveys a tangible manifestation that natural gas is safe and practically used for various utilities, as well as supporting the development target of 1 million household jargas connections (SR) per year. People can enjoy interesting cooking activities, offline and online quizzes, joint gymnastics, food sales, drinks and PGN merchandise.

PGN has been present in 17 provinces or the same as 73 regencies/cities. Currently, PGN already exists in these locations, hopefully in the future it will increase again in several locations so that PGN can really be enjoyed by the community. Natural gas can be increasingly known to the public, one of which is helped by City Gas Tour," concluded Faris.