Deputy Mayor Of Padang Ekos Albar Inaugurated Next Week

PADANG - The West Sumatra Provincial Government is finalizing the plan to inaugurate the Deputy Mayor of Padang, Ekos Albar, which is planned for May 8 or May 9.

"We are currently finalizing it. Tomorrow we will discuss it. But no later than May 8 or 9, 2023," said Head of the West Sumatra Provincial Secretariat, Doni Rahmat Samulo in Padang as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 4.

He said that the Decree on the determination of Ekos Albar as Deputy Mayor of Padang from the Minister of Home Affairs had been received by the West Sumatra Provincial Government through the Liaison Agency. Based on this, the governor has prepared a schedule for inauguration.

It is planned that the inauguration will be held at the West Sumatra Governor's Palace, the same as the previous inauguration place for regents and mayors.

Previously, the position of Deputy Mayor of Padang, which was originally held by Hendri Septa, was vacant since the Mayor for the 2019-2024 period, Mahyeldi was indeed in the contestation of the West Sumatra Governor Election and was sworn in on February 25, 2021.

Hendri Septa was inaugurated as Mayor of Padang, the remaining 2019-2024 positions to replace Mahyeldi on April 7, 2021.

At that time, the position of Deputy Mayor of Padang remained vacant and was not filled, raising many questions in the community.

The figure who will occupy the seat of Deputy Mayor became clear when the election process at the local DPRD was held on Wednesday (5/4).

The West Kalimantan Ekos proposed by PAN was elected as Deputy Mayor of Padang to beat Hendri Susanto who was proposed by PKS in the Plenary Meeting for the election of the Deputy Mayor of Padang in the Padang DPRD

Ekos Albar received 36 votes while Hendri Susanto was only able to get nine votes out of a total of 45 voters in the plenary meeting.

Sementara itu Ekos Albar mengatakan belum menerima informasi tentang jadwal pelantikan. Namun ia menyebut telah menerima informasi tentang rapat untuk membahas hal tersebut.