Lifting Pesugihan Myth, Study Film Gives Unprecedented Ghost Appearance

JAKARTA - The film Kajiman will hit theaters on May 18, 2023. Kajiman is a figure of a subtle creature that is waiting for houses and is closely related to the practice of black magic or pesugihan.

Several well-known actors and actresses will play in production by the production house Visionary Capital and Relate Films, including Aghniny Haque, Tyo Pakusadewo, Jourdy Pranata, Mian Tiara, Ully Triani, and Malaysian actor Iedil Dzuhrie Alaudin.

This film tells the story of a nurse named Asha (Aghniny Haque) who is on duty as a nurse at the house of an elderly man named Ismail (Tyo Pakusadewo) who suffers from a mysterious disease.

Asha's work is slowly being disturbed by the supernatural terror that haunts her. To reveal the mystery she and her friend Rama (Jourdy Pranata) are trying to solve the mystery.

However, both of them are actually trapped in heretical rituals that follow the Koran's devil. Finally they tried to find a way to escape the terror of Kajiman and his followers

The film entitled Complete Gurun Kejiman Penagih Janji is directed by Adriyanto Dewo and produced by Perlita Desiani. They raised the theme of the myth story in Javanese culture. The figure of a subtle creature in Javanese mythology named Kajiman will be the main element in the story of the film directed by the production house Visionary Capital and Relate Films. "The initial idea (the story of) Kajiman is because we want to find something that has never been explored, finally we researched before deciding to (lift the story) of Kajiman because there are several articles and books that mention (the figure) of this Study," said Adriyanto in a virtual press conference on Youtube Relate Films, Wednesday, May 3. Adriyanto admitted that what is interesting about the figure of Kajiman is that this creature has not yet been known its visual form, in contrast to other ghosts in the more popular traditions of Indonesian society such as pocong and kuntilanak.

"Justru risetnya jadi menarik karena kalau misalnya kita meriset makhluk yang sudah ada visualnya seperti pocong atau kuntilanak kita sudah ada referensi visual," kata Adriyanto.Dia menambahkan referensi literasi mengenai sosok Kajiman terbilang sedikit sehingga selain mengandalkan buku dan artikel, dia juga mencari informasi melalui orang-orang yang lebih memahami soal sosok Kajiman.Selama proses penggarapan dia mencari cara untuk membuat suasana horor dalam film dengan memasukkan unsur mitos budaya Jawa serasa seperti terjadi pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Unsur-unsur tradisi dalam kebudayaan Jawa seperti primbon dan weton turut mewarnai cerita film.