The Defendant, Former Member Of The East Lombok DPRD, Saprudin, Was Revealed To Be Taking Advantage Of The Alsintan Program For Campaigns

Former member of the East Lombok DPRD Saprudin who became one of the corruption defendants was revealed to have used the 2018 distribution of agricultural equipment and machinery as a means of campaign.

"In addition to some that are managed personally, some are distributed to each member of the Saprudin success team," said Yuli Partimi, representing the Public Prosecutor in a trial with the agenda of reading the charges of the corruption case of alsintan at the Mataram Corruption Court, Wednesday, May 3, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to the prosecutor's office, there were 14 units of two-wheeled tractors that were distributed to the success team of the defendant Saprudin. Six of them have been confiscated and the rest cannot be detected in the prosecutor's investigation process.

For the alsintan present in the defendant Asri Mardianto, it was revealed that some had been pawned at a price of Rp. 35 million and distributed to Asri's family and colleagues.

"The goal is to attract public sympathy so that Saprudin is elected as a member of the 2019 East Lombok DPRD (Lotim)," he said.

Asri Mardianto in this case received an order from Saprudin who at that time also served as a member of the 2018 legislature to form three Alsintan Service Businesses (UPJA), namely UPJA Lemor Maju, UPJA Cahaya Pelita, and UPJA Pelita Jaya.

However, the prosecutor stated that the formation of the UPJA was not in accordance with the regulations. According to the prosecutor, the formation of UPJA must have a management organizational structure and through the ratification of the regent/mayor.

"In this case, it was revealed that the formation of UPJA was just a formality," he said.

Meskipun demikian, Saprudin tetap menyerahkan berkas pembentukan UPJA tersebut ke terdakwa Zaeni yang menjabat sebagai Kepala Dinas Agricultural Lombok Timur.

In addition, Saprudin ordered witness Mastur, who served as Head of Alsintan at the East Lombok Agriculture Service, to make a Decree (SK) for prospective recipients of alsintan assistance.

"The making of a list of recipients of alsintan is also not carried out verification first," he said.

The name of the recipient of the alsintan assistance is also said to be not in accordance with the program's guidelines and provisions.

"Because it is not in accordance with the provisions, it should be, the UPJA proposed by Saprudin was not accepted. However, Zaeni still ratified the name of the recipient of the aid," said Yuli.

With the issuance of the decree, Alsintan was also distributed by the Ministry of Agriculture to the East Lombok Agriculture Service. After the receipt, Asri and Saprudin kept all the alsintan.

"In this case, Asri and Saprudin have taken, stored, and managed privately all of the alsintan," he said.

According to data details, there are 14 units of two-wheeled tractors and one unit of four-wheeled tractor managed by Asri Mardianto. Meanwhile, 16 units of two-wheeled tractors were managed by Saprudin.

"For 65 units of water pumps and 117 handsprayers, Saprudin and Asri are jointly managed," he said.

With the description of the indictment, the public prosecutor conveyed that the state losses that appeared in this case amounted to Rp3.81 billion.

In accordance with the results of an expert audit from BPKP NTB, this figure arises from the distribution of alsintan which is not in accordance with the procedure and there is an element of utilization for the defendant's personal interests.