Validating Your Thoughts And Feelings With Your Partner, Beneficial To Building A Healthy Love Relationship

YOGYAKARTA Everyone sees the world in different ways, nothing is the same. If two people are in touch or committed to a relationship, without validation can trigger conflict or debate about something that can actually be agreed upon together. For that, why validate the mind and feelings are important for each partner.
Debate with your partner, there are two possibilities. First, because everyone sees the situation in a different way. Second, because the two failed to recognize the possibility that there was a difference. In other words, seeing something in a different way is accompanied by failing to recognize the fact that no two people are the same, it is a factor that makes the relationship unhealthy. Simply put, when we disagree with someone's point of view encourages a disrespectful attitude.
To understand the thoughts and feelings of others, one needs to have emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and empathy. With empathy, the ability to validate the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others so that they are able to understand and become good listeners. Well, if we are able to validate the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others, then we are better able to get along with others and build strong ties of relationship.
Validating other people's thoughts, feelings, or emotions has the capacity to make a person feel truly understood, seen, and heard. This makes a person experience an understanding that is the key to building strong, sincere, and mutual trust in others. Likewise in a relationship of love, validating each other's thoughts and feelings is important.
If you are in a relationship, think about how important it is to feel heard, valued, and understood by your partner. Having a partner who understands and validates your feelings can be very satisfying. Such validation builds a person's self-esteem and confidence in a broader sense. Feeling validated, in all kinds of problems have the ability to make a person feel valued, valued, and loved.
Launching Glenn Geher's explanation, Ph.D. published in Psychology Today, Thursday, April 28, reciprocal validation is at the heart of a true love relationship. If you do it effectively, it means you show your partner that you understand, respect, and trust them. You and your partner can also be equally relied on to share thoughts and feelings so that they can move forward together.