According To Predictions, PLN Records The Peak Use Of Electricity During Eid 2023 A Total Of 29.2 GW

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero), Darmawan Prasodjo revealed that as long as the community is carrying out Eid al-Fitr, the peak burden of PLN is recorded at 29.2 GW. This is in accordance with the previous PLN prediction, namely reliable electricity with a supply capacity of 46.2 Gigawatts (GW), with a peak load of 29 GW.

"This means that the electricity system is in a safe position, the electricity supply is maintained. All systems are in excellent condition," Darmawan told the media, Monday, April 24.

Darmawan explained that during the standby period, PLN had alerted 82 thousand personnel who had 24-hour pickets to maintain the reliability of electricity supply in more than 2,000 posts throughout Indonesia.

PLN is also present at every priority community activity point, such as places of worship, ports, airports, stations, terminals, hospitals, and other vital points.

"Nationally, we convey that the electricity system is in a maintained, safe condition and the community can feel comfortable going through the Eid homecoming and gathering with their families," said Darmawan.

He added that not only ensures sufficient power reserves, PLN also ensures end to end. The primary energy supply of each generator is in a condition above a safe number. The average coal power plant operation day (HOP) is above 20 HOP, as well as gas and fuel in a safe condition.

"For the past three years, we have succeeded in carrying out the Transformation Program. In the past, the maintenance of electricity infrastructure was carried out manually, now everything has been digitized and controlled in real time," he said.

From primary energy, power generation, transmission, distribution, to customer service. This has resulted in a much better reliability of the electricity and service system than in the past.

The personnel are equipped with equipment and supporting fleets, in the form of 1,500 generator units, 560 UPS units (Uninterruptible Power Supply), 925 UGB (Mobile Substation Unit), 16 mobile transformers, 260 cranes, 3,300 cars, 3,400 motorcycles, and other equipment.

"In the past, there were reports of disturbances, it might take a long time. Now if there are reports of disturbances, the PLN team will immediately move in a matter of minutes. I emphasize that the public does not need to worry about electricity services or disturbances during this Eid al-Fitr, and so on," said Darmawan.

Like yesterday's homecoming flow, PLN has prepared all infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles for travelers. PLN will also continue to alert aid personnel and also all infrastructure for the upcoming backflow.

PLN provides 616 units of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in 284 locations spread throughout Indonesia. PLN also provides convenience in checking SPKLU locations through the PLN Mobile application.

For electric vehicle users who want to charge, just open the PLN Mobile application, then select the electric vehicle feature, then select SPKLU. There will be a number of SPKLUs that are closest and active with the location of electric car users, so that homecoming trips can take place comfortably.

"We make sure that all SPKLU points are safe. PLN has alerted all SPKLUs on toll roads. All SPKLU points have been distributed. In Palimanan, Pemalang, Batang, Semarang, Solo, Tuban Madiun, Surabaya, Situbondo, Bondowoso, Banyuwangi, we have prepared even Bali across Sumatra. All SPKLU points are available," concluded