Haedar Nashir: Eid Al-Fitr Momentum Strengthens The Immunity Of The Indonesian Nation Based On Religion And Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Haedar Nashir asked Muslims to prioritize tolerance in responding to the initial differences of Eid or Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri. "If there is a difference in celebrating Eid al-Fitr and in activities of furuiyah and ikhtilaf nature, then put forward tasamuh, be mutually tolerant and appreciate with full maturity," said Haedar in his statement quoted by Antara in Yogyakarta, Thursday, April 20. He hopes that Idul Fitri will become a momentum to strengthen the religious-based, Pancasila, and the noble culture of the nation. "Moreover, after fasting, for Muslims as a majority in this country, be a light ofTEN, be an intelligence, and be the glue of togetherness to live in diversity," said Haedar. According to him, the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and noble religious forces must make the Indonesian nation a strong and united nation so that it is sovereign, superior, and equivalent to other nations. "With Eid al-Fitr which has also become a tradition in the life of our nation, there is a homecoming, there is a syawalian, there is a gathering, then make Eid al-Fitr as a strength of national unity," added Haedar. All self-discipline through various worships during Ramadan, it is expected that Haedar, be actualized in real life so that it becomes an authentically active person, especially when carrying the mission of "Rahmatan Lil Alamin". Insan who is'mutaqqin', must be the best human in soul, mind, and action. As an insan-insan that is 'hashanah', it becomes the best example as well as being an inssan that always performs 'hath' to others and the environment. And all of these will be a manifestation of 'tarub illillah', bringing closer to Allah who gave birth to an authentic takwa soul," he said. In collective life, Haedar continued, Eid al-Fitr is also expected to be the moment of embedding ukh and efforts to advance life, humanity, and the community that is founded by the values of religion so that later become the best ummah.

"Kami harapkan kita kaum muslimin yang menjalankan puasa dengan seluruh rangkaian ibadah selama satu bulan lamanya menjadi insan-insan yang semakin bertakwa, yakni insan yang selalu menjalankan perintah Allah, menjauhi larangan-Nya dan membuahkan kesalehan bagi kehidupan keluarga, diri, masyarakat, bangsa dan kemanusiaan semesta," kata dia.Selain itu, Haedar berpesan supaya Idul Fitri menjadi kekuatan ruhaniah kolektif bagi kaum muslimin dan warga bangsa untuk membawa Indonesia menjadi "Indonesia Berkemajuan" dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan."Kita diajari berbuat yang terbaik membangun bangsa dan jangan merusaknya. Kita dituntut untuk menjadi bangsa yang ada di depan, maju di bidang ekonomi, sosial, politik, pendidikan, mengelola sumber daya alam, tapi dengan jiwa kekhalifahan yang penuh pertangungjawaban, tidak hanya kepada manusia, tapi juga kepada Allah yang menciptakan manusia dan seluruh alam semesta untuk kita rawat dan kita bangun menjadi negeri yang aman dan berkah," tutur Haedar Nashir.