62nd Anniversary, Bank DKI Holds Tasyakuran Carrying The Theme Of 'Transformation Towards A Digital Ecosystem'

JAKARTA - Bank DKI held a tasyakuran and distributed compensation worth a total of IDR 2 billion to 8,500 orphans and poor children as well as Umrah packages to seven marbots from five areas of the DKI Jakarta Administrative City and Seribu Islands Regency.

This event coincided with the commemoration of Bank DKI's 62nd Anniversary which was held at the Istqilal Mosque, Jakarta on Tuesday, April 11.

President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy in his speech expressed his gratitude at the age of 62, Bank DKI has become one of the banks that grew bigger in line with the development of DKI Jakarta's sustainable development.

Fidri also expressed his gratitude to all shareholders, in this case the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Perumda Pasar Jaya, including all partners and customers who continue to give trust to Bank DKI.

"This year's 62nd Bank DKI Anniversary is a sad momentum from Bank DKI's long journey," said Fidri, who recently received an award as The Best CEO of Regional Bank EMPegory from the 50 best CEOs at the Indonesia Best 50 CEO Awards 2023.

The commemoration of Bank DKI's 62nd Anniversary which was also attended by Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar MA as the high priest of the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque, as well as a number of officials of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government carried the theme "Transformation Towards a Digital Ecosystem" is a reflection of the journey in realizing a non-cash ecosystem through innovative and capable digital banking services.

On this occasion, the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province, Joko Agus Setyono, congratulated and expressed his hope that Bank DKI will always be able to provide positive progress in building the community and contribute to providing added value to the economy of DKI Jakarta Province.

"Happy 62nd Anniversary to Bank DKI, hopefully Bank DKI can continue to attend in accordance with its Vision to Become a Bank of Choice for Advanced and Prosperous Jakarta and can become a Bank that can not only compete within the DKI Jakarta region but can compete with the national and even international banking industry," said Joko Agus.

In addition, the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Nasaruddin Umar also gave tausyiah with a message of benefit of charity in line with the compensation activities delivered by Bank DKI to thousands of orphans and poor people.

Various transformation efforts have been carried out by Bank DKI since 2021 entitled Transformation 5.0 Bank DKI with various strategic initiatives on various aspects, including improving organizational structure and business formulation and support, various improvements in the fields of IT, HR, Governance, Risk and Compliance and expanding business networks.

Furthermore, through the Transformation Program, Bank DKI has managed to record a number of achievements, including a rapid increase in performance while remaining prudent and healthy. Closing 2022, Bank DKI recorded an increase in net profit of 29.1 percent to Rp939.1 billion compared to the December 2021 period, which is the highest profit in the history of established companies.

With total assets reaching IDR 78.8 trillion, Bank DKI has recorded an increase in assets of IDR 22 trillion within 1.5 years. The increase in assets was supported by growth in Third Party Funds by 12.8 percent and credit growth by 23.5 percent at the end of 2022. This growth was above the average growth of DPK and National Banking Loans, which were recorded at 9.0 percent and 11.4 percent, respectively.

Along with business growth, to improve the quality of service and governance of the organization, Bank DKI has also obtained recognition of operational standardization using global measures in several aspects by obtaining international certification (ISO), including ISO 31000: 2018 concerning Risk Management Systems, ISO 270001:2013 concerning Information Security Management Systems at JakOne Mobile Super Apps Services, ISO 9001: 2015 concerning Asset Procurement and Management and ISO 37001:2016 concerning Anti-Bribery Management Systems (SMAP).

In addition, Bank DKI also achieved achievements and appreciation from various independent institutions with the achievement of 34 awards throughout 2022 and 26 award categories in early 2023.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added, in the future Bank DKI will continue to carry out its role as the locomotive of regional economic driving through various collaborations and strengthen its work to ensure the success of Jakarta for Indonesia.

"Of course we hope that Bank DKI can be present as a preferred Bank for the people of DKI Jakarta, through various digital services that make it easier and more solution," said Arie.

Bank DKI Launches Command Center

Still in the momentum of Bank DKI's 62nd Anniversary, as a form of improving product governance, services and digital-based business processes, Bank DKI launched the Command Center which functions as a monitoring center for all information technology-based services owned by Bank DKI as well as being the center of assignment, coordination and control needed in response to the crisis facing the company.

For information, the Bank DKI Command Center has been equipped with the latest modern infrastructure and is based on data integration from various sources that can be processed and displayed as needed in real time, serving as a dashboard for the decision-making process appropriately and accurately.

Through the launch of the Command Center, Bank DKI emphasized the importance of developing digital-based services, to further encourage the positioning of Bank DKI to become not only Regional Development Banks (BPD) that contribute to the regional scope of the city of DKI Jakarta, but can also contribute to a wider scale, nationally.