Viral Mario Dandy Gonta-Changes Rubicon Plate, David's Father: The Son Of The Employer Tax Refuge, It's Fair For The People To Shout

Jonathan Latumahina, David Ozora's father, assessed that Mario Dandy's actions could not be tolerated. Apart from being proven to have abused him, Mario allegedly covered his obligations to pay taxes.

This was said by Jonathan in response to a viral video showing Mario changing the number plate of the Rubicon he was wearing on the side of the road.

"The tax obligation is to be pursued, threatened with threats. The tax collector's child is relaxed and crosses taxes," commented Jonathan, who is a high-ranking South Jakarta GP Ansor via his Twitter account, @sexexxsuck, Tuesday, April 11.

Seen in the video, Mario wears a scout uniform accompanied by the perpetrators of AG's child. Mario is suspected of changing the license plates he was driving to trick the authorities.

According to Jonathan, Mario's behavior will remain a byword in society and will continue to be imitated by the public and the children of other officials if there are no strict sanctions from law enforcement officers and related agencies.

The actions of former tax official Rafael Alun Trisambodo in the video, said Jonathan, will also have an impact on the attitude of taxpayers in the country.

"The children of the head of the behavior this way, it's natural for the people to scream, this is just the beginning. If there is no improvement, just get ready," said Jonathan.

Previously, Jonathan expressed his gratitude for the progress of healing his son, David, who was a victim of persecution by Mario Dandy et al.

On the 50th day of treatment at Mayapada Kuningan Hospital, Jakarta, David no longer needed breathing apparatus through the throat.

The trakeostomi or hole made by the doctor to install a breathing tube at the front of the neck until it enters David Ozora's throat has been closed.

"Thank you very much for the prayers that we cannot mention all. Respect for all of you," Jonathan said on his Twitter account, @sexexxsuck, Monday, April 10.