It Is Prohibited To Turn On Firecrackers On The 2023 Eid Takbiran Night In Mataram

NTB - The Mataram City Government prohibits Takbiran parade participants from welcoming 1 Syawal 1444 Hijri with firecrackers, fireworks, and the like.

This was conveyed by Assistant I for Government and People's Welfare (Kesra) of the Mataram City Secretariat Lalu Martawang after chairing a meeting with Ramadan and Lebaran 2023 in Mataram, NTB, Thursday 6 April.

"If they do not comply, the security forces can take action," said Martawang.

In addition, he continued, participants must also be reminded to maintain security and conduciveness in their respective regions.

"The sub-district and village heads also remind residents that Takbiran parade participants remain within a reasonable control range. Even though there are no restrictions, something excessive is not good," he said.

Martawang further said that the 2023 takbiran parade in Mataram City would be held to spread in six sub-districts throughout Mataram City, in order to break up the crowd as well as increase the enthusiasm of the community.

"We have agreed that the implementation will no longer focus on one place, namely in Sangkareang Field, like in previous years," he said.

This was agreed upon with various considerations, among others, in addition to increasing the spirit of community participation, it was also intended to unravel the crowd points, as well as to anticipate long congestion on roads in Mataram City.

In addition, for the effectiveness of time because with the number of participants reaching hundreds, takbiran parade activities are usually completed above 01.00 WITA.

"Meanwhile, in the morning we have to prepare ourselves for Eid prayers. It is not uncommon for children who participate in the takbiran parade to be tired and some even pass the Eid prayer," he said.

Not to mention, he continued, the problem of garbage along the road that was crossed by Takbiran parade participants had to be cleaned immediately by officers so that it could be said that the cleaning staff worked until morning.

"But if takbiran parade activities are carried out in each sub-district, they can be more effective and can at least be completed before 00.00 WITA," he concluded.