469 Km Road In South Sumatra Will Be Crossed By Homecomers For Eid 2023, PJN Ensures Its Condition Is Safe

The comfort of travelers crossing a road that stretches up to 469 kilometers in South Sumatra (Sumsel) is a priority for the PJN 3 Work Unit of the National Road Implementation Center for the South Sumatra region.

Head of the PJN 3 Work Unit of the South Sumatra Regional National Road Implementation Center, Fedi Chandra, said the effort was made to smooth the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.

The roads start from several roads in the city, the connecting road for Palembang-Indralaya-Simpang Prabumulih, the boundary road for Prabumulih-Muara Enim.

In addition, the boundary roads of Prabumulih-Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu, and the border roads of Kayuagung City, Ogan Komering Ilir-limbat Province of Lampung and to the East Cross Road of Sumatra section of South Sumatra.

He said the work on the maintenance of each section of the road was continuously carried out until overall the current safety conditions reached an average of 95-98 percent.

It's just that, according to him, the treatment for the Prabumulih-Baturaja boundary road segment still has to be maximized because the percentage of availability has only reached 80 percent.

PJN 3 officers are currently treating minor damage at several points on the Prabumulih-Baturaja road, thus providing comfort for Eid travelers this year.

The number of vehicles crossing South Sumatra is predicted to reach 14,455-19,015 units when the peak of the Lebaran homecoming flow on 19-20 April 2023 or two days before Lebaran 2023, while at the peak of backflow takes place on May 1, 2023, with the number of vehicles 23,102 units.

"Pinya kami lakukan perawatan/perbaikan seksimum mungkin, termasuk ruas jalan ini (Prabumulih-Baturaja) sebagaimana kewajiban realisasi target zero lunak (arus Lebaran, red)," kata dia, disitat Antara.

His party opened a homecoming flow post in six locations on April 13, 2023 or D-10 Lebaran to monitor the smooth running of traffic.

The posts are located on the South Palembang Cross Road, Simpang Penyandingan, Simpang Indralaya, Lingkar Prabumulih City, Beringin Baturaja, and at the PJN 3 Palembang Office.

In addition to alerting personnel, PJN also places equipment, such as heavy equipment, to anticipate things that are not desirable, such as disasters.